
The mosquito, singing, aroused me,

وبدا فغناني البعوض مطربا

1. The mosquito, singing, aroused me,
So I spilled the cup of sleep while it sang to me,

١. وَبَدا فَغَنّاني البَعوضُ مُطرِباً
فَهَرَقتُ كَأسَ النَومِ إِذ غَنّاني

2. Then the flea sprang up, piercing my ribs,
Like the teacher dots the difficult Koran,

٢. ثُمَّ اِنبَرى البُرغوثُ يَنقُطُ أُضلُعي
نَقطَ المُعَلِّمِ مُشكِلَ القُرآنِ

3. Until when the dawn unveiled its face,
The flies read to me with their tunes.

٣. حَتّى إِذا كَشَفَ الصَباحُ قِناعَهُ
قَرَأَت لِيَ الذُبانِ بِالأَلحانِ