
Yahya knew well the nobility of ancestry,

لقد علمت يحيى موافية العلا

1. Yahya knew well the nobility of ancestry,
His own virtues succeeded those of his forebears.

١. لَقَد عَلِمَت يَحيى مُوافِيَةُ العُلا
فَضائِلُ آباءٍ تَلَتها فَضائِلُه

2. He attained the heights of glory after inheriting it,
A lofty man whose star shines when it challenges him.

٢. فَحازَ طَريفَ المَجدِ بَعدَ تَليدِهِ
رَفيعٌ يَطولُ النَجمَ حينَ يُطاوِلُه

3. The freshness of his days is the beauty of his deeds,
Its diadems are his morals and fine qualities.

٣. فَتى غُرَّةُ الأَيّامِ حُسنُ صَنيعِهِ
وَتيجانُها أَخلاقُهُ وَشَمائِلُه

4. He is nothing but a brilliant full moon whose perfection is evident,
Whose splendor rises early while his glooms are late to come.

٤. وَما هُوَ إِلّا المُزنُ تَصفو خِلالُهُ
وَيَعلو مُبَوّاهُ وَيَبكُرُ هاطِلُه

5. How can your neighbor spend the night dissatisfied
When your open hand is an ocean with the shore of generosity?

٥. وَكَيفَ يَبيتُ الجارُ مِنكَ عَلى صَدى
وَكَفُّكَ بَحرٌ لُجَّةُ الجودِ ساحِلُه