
The eye is not content beyond its scope

ليس للعين وراء شأوه

1. The eye is not content beyond its scope
Aspiring for glory and generosity unmet

١. لَيسَ لِلعَينِ وَراءَ شَأوِهِ
لِلعُلا وَالمُكرِماتِ مُطَّرَح

2. Stingy of honor yet generous of spirit
He gained glory by his generosity and stinginess

٢. شَحَّ بِالعَرضِ وَجادَ بِاللُهى
فَحَوى المَجدَ بِما جادَ وَشَح

3. When resolved on a matter, he attained it
Whether he was serious or lighthearted

٣. فَإِذا هَمَّ بِأَمرٍ نالَهُ
فَسَواءٌ جَدَّ فيهِ وَمَزَح