
A gazelle alluring to beholders

ظبي يروق الناظرين بأبيض

1. A gazelle alluring to beholders
With whiteness, blackness, greenness, and in form,

١. ظَبيٌ يَروقُ الناظِرينَ بِأَبيَضٍ
وَبِأَسوَدٍ وَبِأَخضَرٍ وَبِأَشكَلِ

2. Straight as a rod yet bending as the crooked tree,
Spreading his cheeks, hair cascading in ringlets,

٢. وَمُقَوَّمٌ مِثلُ القَضيبِ مُهَفهَفٍ
وَمُعَوَّجٍ كَالصَولَجانِ مُمَيَّلِ

3. Face white in the dawn wrapped as in a turban,
Dark hair crowned as if by night’s darkness,

٣. وَمُفرِجٍ مِن خَدِّهِ وَمُكفِرٍ
وَمُخَلَّقٍ مِن شَعرِهِ وَمُسَلسَلِ

4. Wine jugs hung on his wrist like the full moon
Suspended amidst a bare and starless sky,

٤. وَبَياضِ وَجهٍ بِالصَباحِ مُقَنَّعٍ
وَسَوادِ فَرعٍ بِالظَلامِ مُكَلَّلِ

5. Incense smoke rose white and radiant
Like a cloud but not one that lightly passes,

٥. عَلَقَت أَباريقُ المُدامِ بِكَفِّهِ
كَالبَدرِ يَعلُقُ بِالسِماكِ الأَعزَلِ

6. It was as if wine cups circled round his neck
Brown steeds wandering under the tavern sign.

٦. وَعَلا دُخانُ النَدِّ أَبيَضَ ساطِعاً
مِثلَ الغَمامَةِ غَيرَ أَن لَم يُمهَلِ

٧. فَكَأَنَّما الكاساتُ في حافاتِهِ
شُقرَ الخُيولِ تَجولُ تَحتَ القَسطَلِ