1. Come with us, we'll descend into the best abode
Though if you discern it, it's the worst abode
١. قُم بِنا نَنزِلُ في خَيرِ دارٍ
وَهيَ إِن مَيَّزتَها شَرُّ دارِ
2. An abode that strips you of your faith
When the debauched comes to it wearing a loincloth
٢. مَنزِلٌ تَخلَعُ دينَكَ فيهِ
حينَ تَأتيهِ خَليعَ الإِزارِ
3. You won't see sunshine during the day there
And you'll see the moon at midday
٣. لا تَرى فيهِ الشُموسَ نَهاراً
وَتَرى الأَقمارَ نِصفَ نَهارِ
4. And on its walls are war lions
Above skillful and above expert
٤. وَعَلى حيطانِهِ أُسدُ حَربٍ
فَوقَ أَمهارٍ وَفَوقَ مَهارِ
5. They witnessed war with spears of falsity
And swords with sharp edges
٥. شَهِدوا الحَربَ بِأَرماحِ زورٍ
وَسُيوفٍ نابِياتِ الشِفارِ
6. And you see the bodies when they came to it
Clothe health while nude
٦. وَتَرى الأَبدانَ حينَ أَتَتهُ
تَكتَسي الصِحَّةَ وَهيَ عَواري
7. With springs like rods of pearls
Competing from behind the wall
٧. بِيَنابيعَ كَقُضبانِ دُرٍّ
تَتَكافا مِن وَراءِ الجِدارِ