
Imagination knocked and from it came an apparition

طرق الخيال فزار منه خيالا

1. Imagination knocked and from it came an apparition
That traveled at night seducing a doe in slumber

١. طَرَقَ الخَيالُ فَزارَ مِنهُ خَيالاً
فَسَرى يُغازِلُ في الرُقادِ غَزالا

2. O fleeting respite from distress, alas it
Turned away into the darkness and vanished

٢. يا كَشفَةً لِلكَربِ إِلّا أَنَّهُ
وَلّى عَلى دُبُرِ الظَلامِ فَزالا

3. The orphan rose at dawn, now sadder
More tearful and gloomy with sorrow

٣. فَغَدا المُيَتَّمُ وَهوَ أَكثَرُ صَبوَةً
وَأَشَدُّ بَلبالاً وَأَكسَفُ بالا

4. But determination lifted you to glory and nobility
Ambitions that seemed as high as mountains

٤. وَاِستَنهَضَتكَ إِلى المَآثِرِ وَالعُلا
هِمَمٌ تَخالُ زَهاؤُهُنَّ جِبالا

5. You followed them with resolves as if
You followed the drawn swords with more swords

٥. أَردَفتَهُنَّ عَزائِماً فَكَأَنَّما
أَردَفتَ مُرهَفَةَ النِصالِ نِصالا

6. You loaded them with sturdy mounts as if they were
The mounts of ostriches when they pursue a caravan

٦. حَمَّلتَها قُلُصَ الرِكابِ كَأَنَّها
قُلُصُ النَعامِ إِذا تَبِعنَ رِيالا

7. A gift-mare whose running exhausted the messengers
And they imagined her beneath the saddlebags another saddlebag

٧. مُهرِيَةٌ أَودى السِفارُ بِنَحضِها
فَتَخالَها تَحتَ الرِحالِ رِحالا

8. She felt safe in the domain of Ahmad son of Muhammad
That his mighty one would not be disgraced or humbled

٨. أَمِنَت بِساحَةِ أَحمَدَ اِبنِ مُحَمَّدٍ
مِن أَن يَذِلَّ عَزيزُها وَيُذالا

9. Indeed, she leads the steeds, emerging with the spear
Pouring them upon the foe with death

٩. وَلَقَد تَقودُ الخَيلَ تَخطُرُ بِالقَنا
فَتَصُبُّهُنَّ عَلى العِدا آجالا

10. Whenever an expanse opens up she imagines it
Closing while the others race away

١٠. ما إِن يَلينُ لَها مَدى فَتَخالَها
تَجري بِطاءً إِذ جَرينَ عِجالا