
I wrote to hasten the regrets

كتبت أستعجل الندامى

1. I wrote to hasten the regrets
And the fire hastens the pots

١. كَتَبتُ أَستَعجِلُ النَدامى
وَالنارُ تَستَعجِلُ القُدورا

2. And the boy came running
With loaves resembling seeds

٢. وَقَد أَتاني الغُلامُ يَسعى
بِأَرغُفٍ تُشبِهُ البُدورا

3. And we have aromatic coffee
If it was cut it would become embers

٣. وَعِندَنا قَهوَةٌ شَمولٌ
لَو قُطِّعَت صُيِّرَت شُذورا

4. It would be fire before the blend
With the blend it became light

٤. تَكونُ قَبلَ المِزاجِ ناراً
فَاِنقَلَبَت بِالمَزاجِ نورا

5. So get up with haste to us
We will sprinkle on your soul joy

٥. فَإِنهَض إِلى سُرعَةٍ إِلَينا
نَنثُر عَلى نَفسِكَ السُرورا