
A face that sipped the water of bliss

ووجه تشرب ماء النعيم

1. A face that sipped the water of bliss
If beauty could be squeezed from it, it would gush

١. وَوَجهٍ تَشَرَّبَ ماءَ النَعيمِ
فَلَو عُصِرَ الحُسنُ مِنهُ اِنعَصَر

2. It passes, so I give it my gaze
And it scatters roses, green upon it

٢. يَمُرُّ فَأَمنَحُهُ ناظِري
فَيَنثُرُ وَرداً عَلَيهِ الخَضَر

3. The eye delighted in its beauty
It cared not for the rising of the moon

٣. تَمَتَّعَتِ العَينُ مِن حُسنِهِ
فَما حَفَلَت بِطُلوعِ القَمَر