1. He gathered with it bundles of fragrant reed,
The abundance of bundles diminishes their fragrance.
١. وَحَطَّ بِها أَكوارَ خوصٍ لَواغِبٍ
يُقلِلُ إِكثارُ الذَميلِ ذَميلَها
2. Shedding tears, separation has untied its knots,
And the departure of the beloved has disturbed its abode.
٢. نُغِض عَبرَةً حَلَّ الفِراقُ عِقالَها
وَأَقلَقَ هِجرانُ الحَبيبِ مَقيلَها
3. So it is no wonder that the tears of the bereaved
Flow over the abode, their flowing waters its longing.
٣. فَلا غَروَ أَن فاضَت دُموعُ مُتَيَّمٍ
عَلى الدارِ يَسقي طَلُّهُنَّ طُلولَها