
A sobbing man approaches me, a cup in his palm,

يسعى إلي مقرطق في كفه

1. A sobbing man approaches me, a cup in his palm,
And between his eyelids, two more cups.

١. يَسعى إِلَيَّ مُقَرطَقٌ في كَفِّهِ
كَأسٌ وَبَينَ جُفونِهِ كَأسانِ

2. Though unrelated by blood, they came together in him -
The palm of the regretful and the cheek of the drunkard.

٢. وَتَناسَبَت فيهِ بِغَيرِ قَرابَةٍ
كَفَّ المُديرِ وَوَجنَةَ النُدمانِ