1. A cup circles the edges of a hand,
As if its sides were made of coral.
١. وَكَأسٌ تَمتَطي أَطرافَ كَفٍّ
كَأَنَّ بَنانَها مِن أُرجُوانِ
2. I compete with it, drinking the wine,
As pearls laugh from goblets.
٢. أُنازِعُها عَلى العِلّاتِ شُرباً
لَهُن مَضاحِكٌ مِن أُقحُوانِ
3. Dew glistens on its rim,
Like halves of necklaces and pearls.
٣. يَلوحُ عَلى مَفارِقِها حَبابٌ
كَأَنصافِ الفَرائِدِ وَالجُمانِ
4. The youth brought it to me intoxicated,
Adding two planets to the stars.
٤. وَطالَعَني الغُلامُ بِها سُحَيراً
فَزادَ عَلى الكَواكِبِ كَوكَبانِ
5. Matching it with a cheek of coral,
Contrasting it with a branch of coral.
٥. وَوافَقَها بِخَدٍّ أُرجُوانِ
وَخالَفَها بِفَرعٍ أُرجُواني