1. Behold, the means of purity are shattered,
So friendship between men has no purity,
١. أَلا إِنَّ أَسبابَ الصَفاءِ تَصَرَّمَت
فَما لِمَوَدّاتِ الرِجالِ صَفاءُ
2. Nor all the people of the world, loyalty,
Nor all the people of the world, fidelity.
٢. وَما لِجَميعِ العالِمينَ رِعايَةً
وَما لِجَميعِ العالِمينَ وَفاءُ
3. Behold, I have but an evening star of the west as friend,
And a wedding party and brethren of purity as equal.
٣. أَلا إِنَّما آوى وَعَنقاءُ مَغرِبٍ
وَعُرسُ وَإِخوانُ الصَفاءِ سَواءُ