
You are not of those lovers who lost their way,

لست من عاشق أضل سبيلا

1. You are not of those lovers who lost their way,
So their tears watered the flowing streams.

١. لَستَ مِن عاشِقٍ أَضَلَّ سَبيلاً
فَسَقى دَمعُهُ الهُطولَ طَلولا

2. The night grew cold when the north wind blew,
So I made the leaning-place my wrap.

٢. بَرَدَ اللَيلُ حينَ هَبَّت شَمالاً
فَجَعَلتُ الصِلاءَ فيها الشُمولا

3. In a crescent that looks like a desert snake
That struck its coil on the dune.

٣. في هِلالٍ كَأَنَّهُ حَيَّةُ الرَملِ
أَصابَت عَلى اليَفاعِ مَقيلا

4. He slept on the wrist of darkness like a bracelet,
And on the hairline of night like a wreath.

٤. باتَ في مِعصَمِ الظَلامِ سِواراً
وَعَلى مَفرِقِ الدُجى إِكليلا