
The eye sheds tears and the heart melts,

العين تذرف والفؤاد يذوب

1. The eye sheds tears and the heart melts,
And passion is present while consolation is absent.

١. العَينُ تَذرُفُ وَالفُؤادُ يَذوبُ
وَالوَجدُ يَحضُرُ وَالعَزاءُ يَغيبُ

2. Due to the scarcity of generous souls, you are neglected,
And due to the abundance of ignoramuses, you are a stranger.

٢. وَلِقِلَّةِ الكُرَماءِ أَنتَ مُضَيَّعٌ
وَلِكُثرَةِ الجُهّالِ أَنتَ غَريبُ

3. By God, the means of wealth did not fail you,
Except that you are wise and cultivated.

٣. تَاللَهِ لَم تُخطِئكَ أَسبابُ الغِنى
إِلّا لِأَنَّكَ عاقِلٌ وَأَديبُ

4. So be patient - your lack of wealth consoles you -
For no impetuous youth can attain it.

٤. فَاِصبِر فَقَد عَزّاكَ عَن دَركِ الغِنى
أَن لَيسَ يُدرِكُهُ أَغَرُّ نَجيبُ

5. They blamed my aloofness when my quest was hindered.
Have you ever seen a full moon without aloofness?

٥. عابوا قُطوبي أَن تَعَذَّرَ مَطلَبي
أَرَأَيتَ بَدراً لَيسَ فيهِ قُطوبُ

6. And my body's pallor is from keeping intimate company by night.
What crescent is there without pallor?

٦. وَشُحوبَ جِسمي مِن مُواصَلَةِ السَرى
هَل مِن هِلالٍ لَيسَ فيهِ شُحوبُ

7. And it is proof of my perfect nobility
That I am the beloved of the noble heart.

٧. وَلَقَد يَدُلُّ عَلى كَمالِ كَرامَتي
أَنّي إِلى قَلبِ الكَريمِ حَبيبُ

8. My sorrow has passed and my anguish relieved
For the despicable one is distressed by the sight of me.

٨. وَلَقَد جَلا حُزني وَفَرَّجَ كَربَتي
أَنَّ اللَئيمَ لِرُؤيَتي مَكروبُ

9. Do not play, for I have a seeker,
And it is a wonder for a player to be sought.

٩. لا تَلعَبَنَّ فَمِن رِوائِكَ طالِبٌ
وَمِنَ العَجائِبِ لاعِبٌ مَطلوبُ