1. She has roughness in her beauty
As if she is the comb of Ibn Mansour
١. حَصَلَت في حُسنِ ذا غِلظَةٌ
كَأَنَّها مُشطُ اِبنِ مَنصورِ
2. What a beard that undid its veils
With a finger of his and a nail
٢. يا لِحيَةً هَتَّكَ أَستارَها
بِأُصبَعٍ مِنهُ وَأُظفورِ
3. His cheek sometimes of weapons
And sometimes of crystal shards
٣. فَخَدُّهُ مِن سَلَحٍ تارَةً
وَتارَةً مِن قِشرِ بِلَّورِ
4. Sometimes its color like musk
And sometimes the color of camphor
٤. فَتارَةً كَالمِسكِ في لَونِهِ
وَتارَةً في لَونِ كافورِ
5. The demons like him and relate to him
Tales of falsity from falsities
٥. يُعجِبُهُ المَردُ فَيَحكيهُمُ
حِكايَةَ زُوَرٍ مِنَ الزُوَرِ
6. He says "How beautifully the Lord of mankind
Planted darkness into light"
٦. يَقولُ ما أَحسَنَ رَبَّ الوَرى
إِذ غَرَسَ الظُلمَةَ في النورِ