1. The winter's hand was shortened by burning embers,
And the sister of embers - the one of pure nectar.
١. قَصَرتُ يَدَ الشِتاءِ بِحَرِّ جَمرٍ
وَأَختِ الجَمرِ صافِيَةِ الرَحيقِ
2. You see it scattered the ashes with its cheeks,
Like camphor sprinkled on the beloved.
٢. تَرى نَبذَ الرَمادِ بِوَجنَتَيهِ
كَكافورٍ يُذَرُّ عَلى خَلوقِ
3. The cup went round in the hand of one graceful,
Slender in stature, known for his grace.
٣. وَدارَ الكَأسُ في يَدِ ذي دَلالٍ
رَشيقِ القَدِّ يُعرَفُ بِالرَشيقِ
4. He adorns a smile with a pearl lip
Pierced with rubies of carnelian.
٤. يُحَلّي بِالتَبَسُّمِ دُرَّ ثَغرٍ
تَخَلَّلَهُ شَوابيرُ العَقيقِ
5. I saw the cup in his hand, in it
The wings of night turning away the company.
٥. رَأَيتُ الكَأسَ في يَدِهِ وَفيهِ
وَجَنحُ اللَيلِ مُنصَرِفُ الفَريقِ
6. So in his mouth a crescent in sunset
And in his hand the Pleiades in sunrise.
٦. فَفي فَمِهِ هِلالٌ في غُروبٍ
وَفي يَدِهِ الثُرَيّا في شُروقِ
7. He gives me drink and sips from a nectar
Worthy to resemble the beloved.
٧. وَيَسقيني وَيَشرُبُ مِن رَحيقٍ
خَليقٍ أَن يُشَبَّهَ بِالخَلوقِ
8. As if the cup in his hand, and in it
Ruby in ruby in ruby.
٨. كَأَنَّ الكَأسَ في يَدِهِ وَفيهِ
عَقيقٌ في عَقيقٍ في عَقيقِ