
Bread in bakers' hands as if

وخبز بأيدي الخابزين كأنه

1. Bread in bakers' hands as if
It were shields grasped by soldiers, soldiers,

١. وَخُبزٌ بِأَيدي الخابِزينَ كَأَنَّهُ
تِراسُ تُعاطيها الجُنودَ جُنودُ

2. And foods that have settled in its courtyard the wishes
When one from their bellies comes desiring,

٢. وَأَطعِمَةٌ حَلَّت بِساحَتِها المُنى
إِذا جاءَ مِن أَرداحِهِنَّ يُريدُ

3. And it has added to the sweets in it fruits
Upon them the souls' desires and pilgrims,

٣. وَضَمَّت إِلى الحَلواءِ فيهِ فَواكِهُ
عَلَيهِنَّ أَهواءُ النُفوسِ وُفودُ

4. And white in the midst of greens as if they were
Short men sitting in their rising, sitting.

٤. وَأَبيَضَ في أَحشاءِ خُضرٍ كَأَنَّها
قِصارُ رِجالٍ في المُثولِ قُعودُ