
My vigor subsided and my plaint shortened

فترت صهوتي وأقصر شجوي

1. My vigor subsided and my plaint shortened
And happiness came to me from all quarters

١. فَتَرَت صَهوَتي وَأَقصَرَ شَجوي
وَأَتاني السُرورُ مِن كُلِّ نَحوِ

2. Verily, the spirit of winter freed my soul
From scorching heat that burns faces and brands

٢. إِنَّ روحَ الشِتاءِ خَلَّصَ روحي
مِن حَرورٍ تَشوي الوُجوهَ وَتَكوي

3. The water and air grew cold as though
The moon was stolen from the bosom of night

٣. بَرُدَ الماءُ وَالهَوا وَكَأَن قَد
سُرِقَ البَدرُ مِن جَوانِحِ خِلوِ

4. Its breeze touches breasts and heals
And its clouds pour forth to water

٤. ريحُهُ تَلمُسُ الصُدورَ فَتَشفي
وَغَماماتُهُ تَصوبُ فَتَروي

5. I shall not forget its languor at nightfall
Then after it the freshness of waking

٥. لَستُ أَنسى مِنهُ دَماثَةَ دَجنٍ
ثُمَّ مِن بَعدِهِ نَضارَةَ صَحوِ

6. And southerly winds heralding rain for the land
As the convalescent heralds relief

٦. وَجُنوباً يُبَشِّرُ الأَرضَ بِالقَطرِ
كَما بَشَّرَ العَليلُ بِبُروِ

7. And clouds fringed with flashes
Of lightning and muted rumbling

٧. وَغُيوماً مُطَرَّزاتِ الحَواشي
بِوَميضٍ مِنَ البُروقِ وَخَفوِ

8. Whenever the sky lets down her tresses
The rain combines lowland and height

٨. كُلَّما أَرَختِ السَماءُ عُراها
جَمَعَ القَطرُ بَينَ سَفلٍ وَعُلوِ

9. As she gives when blowing north
The coolness of water and wisp of wind

٩. وَهيَ تُعطيكَ حينَ هَبَّت شَمالاً
بَردَ ماءٍ فيها وَرِقَّةَ جَوِّ

10. And you see the earth dressed in snow
Like a carpet she wore over her gown

١٠. وَتَرى الأَرضَ في مِلاءَةِ ثَلجٍ
مِثلَ رَيطٍ لَبِسَتهُ فَوقَ فَروِ

11. So the bare ground borrowed from it a garment
It will be graced by the winds with softness

١١. فَاِستَعارَ العَرارُ مِنها لِباساً
سَوفَ يُمنى مِنَ الرِياحِ بِنِضوِ

12. As if camphor took the place of dust
And musk the place of gravel

١٢. فَكَأَنَّ الكافورَ مَوضِعُ تُربِ
وَكَأَنَّ الجِمانَ مَوضِعَ قَروِ

13. And nights whose span of my study lengthened
As they once extended in my carefree life

١٣. وَلَيالٍ أَطَلنَ مُدَّةَ دَرسي
مِثلَما قَد مَدَدنَ في عُمرِ لَهوي

14. Some passed with wisdom and some
Midst poetry I engaged in and prose

١٤. مَرَّ لي بَعضُها بِفِقهٍ وَبَعضٌ
بَينَ شِعرٍ أَخَذتُ فيهِ وَنَحوِ

15. And converse like a string of pearls
I recount to men who appreciate and enjoy

١٥. وَحَديثٍ كَأَنَّهُ عِقدُ رَيّا
بِتُّ أَرويهِ لِلرِجالِ وَتَروي

16. In the talk of men lies a meadow of conviviality
Where it grazes amidst people of nobility and loftiness

١٦. في حَديثِ الرِجالِ رَوضَةُ أُنسٍ
باتَ يَرعى بِأَهلِ نُبلٍ وَسَروِ