
I walked by the banks of al-Masraqan in the evening,

مرقت بنهر المسرقان عشية

1. I walked by the banks of al-Masraqan in the evening,
And saw moons going and setting,

١. مَرَقتُ بِنَهرِ المَسرِقانِ عَشِيَّةً
فَأَبصَرتُ أَقماراً تَروحُ وَتَغرُبُ

2. As though they were pearls whose string was broken,
And they rolled upon the water, floating and sinking.

٢. كَأَنَّهُمُ دُرٌّ تَقَطَّعَ سِلكُهُ
وَغودِرَ فَوقَ الماءِ يَطفو وَيَرسُبُ

3. How often a bubble on the water plays!
So, O you who sees a bubble playing on the water,

٣. فَكَم ثَمَّ مِن خَشفٍ عَلى الماءِ لاعِبٌ
فَيا مَن رَأى خَشفاً عَلى الماءِ يَلعَبُ

4. It's as though the glowworms among it were scorpions
Coming over the blueness of glass and going away.

٤. كَأَنَّ السَميرِيّاتُ فيهِ عَقارِبٌ
تَجيءُ عَلى زُرقِ الزُجاجِ وَتَذهَبُ