
The matter has come near after its distance

قد قرب الأمر بعد بعده

1. The matter has come near after its distance
And intimacy has helped after its estrangement

١. قَد قَرُبَ الأَمرُ بَعدَ بُعدِه
وَأَسعَفَ الإِلفُ بَعدَ صَدِّه

2. And after misery and straitened living
You have come to lowering it and its abundance

٢. وَبَعدَ بُؤسٍ وَضيقِ عَيشٍ
صِرتَ إِلى خَفضِهِ وَرَغدِه

3. But it is a borrowed garment
It must be taken off and returned

٣. لَكِنَّهُ مَلبَسٌ مُعارٌ
لابُدَّ مِن نَزعِهِ وَرَدِّه

4. And can the young man be delighted with a share
Whose existence is a cause for its loss

٤. وَهَل يُسَرُّ الفَتى بِحَظٍّ
وُجودُهُ عِلَّةٌ لِفَقدِه