1. I compared the star above the evening twilight
Plunging towards its setting with the swiftness of a darting ostrich,
١. عارَضتُ فيهِ النَجمَ فَوقَ مُطَهَّمٍ
يَهوي لِطَيِّئِهِ هُوِيِّ الأَعقَبِ
2. Whose short neck bends as it drinks and whose long one is erect and beloved,
Like a light shining among the grass astounding with its beauty,
٢. ذاوي العَسيبِ قَصيرُهُ ضافي السَبيبِ
طَويلُهُ صافي الأَديمِ مُحَبَّبِ
3. Among the steeds when it appears in a procession,
With four birds flying alongside as if attached by its length to a cord,
٣. كَالنورِ بَينَ العُشبِ يَبهُرُ حُسنَهُ
بَينَ الجِيادِ إِذا بَدا في مَوكِبِ
4. Deafening is the thunder of its hooves, deafening the clash
Of stallions at stud,
٤. وَتَطيرُ أَربَعَةٌ بِهِ في أَبطُحٍ
فَكَأَنَّهُ مِن طولِها في مَرقَبِ
5. Its forelock streaming as if melting its face
Though the drizzle does not wash it away,
٥. صُمَّ الحَوافِرِ شُرَّبٌ صُمَّ الصَفا
مِنها الأَهِلَّةَ في الصَفا وَالصَلبِ
6. In its fetlocks and ankles is the darkness of clustering stars
Stretching out and lying down,
٦. وَكَأَنَّ غُرَّتَهُ تُفَضِّضُ وَجهَهُ
وَالنَقعُ يُذهِبُهُ وَإِن لَم يُذهَبِ
7. Its legs like undisturbed water, its body a goblet of wine unmixed,
Sought after, it eludes, seeking, it seizes, never failing in the quest,
٧. وَكَأَنَّ في أَكفالِهِ وَتَليلِهِ
غَسقَ النُجومِ فَتَستَطيلُ وَتَرتَبي
8. The gales it outraces, the lightning is a prince
In the fury of its flaming ardour,
٨. وَكَأَنَّما الأَرساغُ ماءٌ لَم يَسِل
وَالجِسمُ كَأسُ مُدامَةٍ لَم يُقطَبِ
9. Its girth encompasses the circle of a house on the plain with leaning pillars.
٩. لَم يُطَّلَب إِلّا يَفوتُ وَيَطَّلِب
إِلّا يَفوزُ فَلَم يَخِب في مَطلَبِ
١٠. وَالعاصِفاتُ حَسيرَةٌ وَالبارِقا
تُ أَميرَةٌ في شِدَّةِ المُتَلَهِّبِ
١١. وَكَأَنَّما يَحوي مَدارُ حِزامِهِ
أَحناءَ بَيتٍ بِالعَراءِ مُطَنَّبِ