
We halted at his abode at night to ask of him the traces,

قرانا بقولا إذ أنخنا ببابه

1. We halted at his abode at night to ask of him the traces,
While we were mounted on the backs of swift she-camels.

١. قَرانا بُقولاً إِذ أَنَخنا بِبابِهِ
فَأَصبَحَ فينا ظالِماً لِلبَهائِمِ

2. So he observed a fast - but night-fasting is unlawful;
And even if lawful with immoral rascals and profligates,

٢. وَقَفنا عَلَيهِ الرَكبَ نَسأَلُهُ القِرى
وَنَحنُ عَلى أَعناقِ أَغبَرَ قائِمِ

3. He allowed night-fasting only when provoked
By the approach of a guest in the gloom of night.

٣. فَصامَ وَصَومُ اللَيلِ لَيسَ بِجائِزٍ
وَإِن جازَ في فِقهِ اللِئامِ الأَشائِمِ

4. So we spent the night, traversing the wilderness,
As though we were crossing the back of a dusty, grimy lizard.

٤. أَجازَ صِيامَ اللَيلِ حينَ اِستَفَزَّهُ
تَعاوُرَ ضَيفٍ في دُجى اللَيلِ عائِمِ

5. And when at dawn we set off from the darkness,
He fed us with bowls that stick in no feeder's gullet -

٥. فَبِتنا أَديمَ اللَيلِ نَطوي عَلى الطَوى
كَأَنّا عَلى غَبراءَ مِن ظَهرِ واشِمِ

6. Rounded, blackened pots that looked as if
They were scrotums of a Zanji under the penis of a led horse.

٦. وَأَطعَمَنا لَمّا مَرَقنا مِنَ الدُجى
دَحاريجَ لا تَنساقُ في حَلقِ طاعِمِ

7. Their tops told of scorpion stings
Their bottoms reminded of buzzing flies.

٧. مُدَوَّرَةً سودَ المُتونِ كَأَنَّها
خُصى الزُنجِ لاحَت تَحتَ فيشِ قَوائِمِ