1. How much pleasure have I reaped from its branch,
Among lights and lamps,
١. كَم قَد جَنَيتُ اللَهوَ مِن غُصنِهِ
ما بَينَ أَنوارٍ وَنَوّارِ
2. From a garden whose borders were moistened
By the downpour of calls and rain,
٢. مِن رَوضَةٍ بَلَّلَ أَعطافَها
سَقيطُ أَنداءٍ وَأَمطارِ
3. And faces you'd think were suns
In the night of cheekbones and plaits,
٣. وَأَوجُهٌ تَحسَبُها أَشمُساً
في لَيلِ أَصداغٍ وَأَطرارِ
4. And the veils of darkness were rent from them
By a fire upon fire upon fire.
٤. وَشَقَّقَت عَنها سُتورُ الدُجى
نارٌ عَلى نارٍ عَلى نارِ