1. How long will you continue with coldness
And not observe the rights of friends?
١. إِلى كَم تَستَمِرُّ عَلى الجَفاءِ
وَلا تَرعى حُقوقَ الأَصدِقاءِ
2. Who can I find to reciprocate my actions
So we can be on equal terms in affection?
٢. فَمَن لي أَن أَرى لَكَ مِثلَ فِعلي
فَنُصبِحُ في الوِدادِ عَلى إِستِواءِ
3. Know that I am aware of everything
Except the manners of loyalty and faithfulness.
٣. أَلا إِنّي لَأَعرِفُ كُلَّ شَيءٍ
سِوى خُلُقِ الرِعايَةِ وَالوَفاءِ
4. You have stripped off faithfulness - and it is no wonder,
For you have stripped off shame.
٤. عَرَيتَ مِنَ الوَفاءِ وَلَيسَ بِدعاً
لِأَنَّكَ قَد عُريتَ مِنَ الحَياءِ
5. So if you return to virtue, otherwise
There is no use except in separation.
٥. فَإِن تَرجِع إِلى الحُسنى وَإِلّا
فَما الإِجداءُ إِلّا في التَنائي