1. Palms stood wearing the coat of ashes
As if the Abyssinians were standing in crowns
١. وَنَخيلٍ وَقَفنَ في مِعطَفِ الرَم
لِ وُقوفَ الحُبشانِ في التيجانِ
2. They drank with the stems until they were saturated
And they were adorned with the grace of the Merciful
٢. شَرِبَت بِالأَعجازِ حَتّى تَرَوَّت
وَتَراءَت بِزينَةِ الرَحمانِ
3. The sprouts emerged in their heads
Like palms sticking out from flower pots
٣. طَلَعَ الطَلعُ في الجَماجِمِ مِنها
كَأَكُفٍّ خَرَجنَ مِن أَردانِ
4. So you see them as if they were silent with awe
Not meeting the insistence of the ears
٤. فَتَراها كَأَنَّها كُمتُ الخَي
لَ تَوافَت مُصِرَّةَ الآذانِ
5. Are those the sprouts or chains of ivory
Carried on the ships of the revered ones?
٥. أَهُوَ الطَلعُ أَم سَلاسِلُ عاجٍ
حُمِلَت في سَفائِنِ العِقيانِ
6. Then they returned as youths boasting
With the heights of similar youths as peers
٦. ثُمَّ عادَت شَبائِهاً تَتَباهى
بِأَعالي شِبائِهٍ أَقرانِ
7. Beads of emerald green
And the tanner granted them to the bows
٧. خَرَزاتٌ مِنَ الزَبَرجَدِ خُضرٌ
وَهَبَتها السُلوكُ لِلقُضبانِ
8. Then the carpenter intervened and doubt was removed
So they shined with the essence of colors
٨. ثُمَّ حالَ النَجّارُ وَاِختَلَفَ الشَك
لُ فَلاحَت بِجَوهَرِ الأَلوانِ
9. Between yellow, incumbent, boasting
In their trellises, and red, bending
٩. بَينَ صُفرٍ فَواقِعٍ تَتَباهى
في شَماريخُها وَحُمرٍ قَواني