
I stand before you in peace

وقفت لديكم للسلام عليكم

1. I stand before you in peace
My standing upon the ruins of my peace and your hostility

١. وَقَفتُ لَدَيكُم لِلسَلامِ عَلَيكُمُ
وُقوفي عَلى أَطلالِ سَلمى وَعاتِكَه

2. My harmless greeting startles you
As if it were the beginnings of a fatal stab

٢. يَروعُكَ تَسليمُ العُفاةِ كَأَنَّهُ
بَوادِرُ طَعنٍ في الضُلوعِ مُواشِكَه

3. None of you is a free man who honors his guest
Rather, he honors him if he so desires while holding back

٣. وَما فيكُمُ حُرٌّ يُكَرِّمُ ضَيفَهُ
وَلَكِن إِذا ما شاءَ أَكرَمَ ماسِكَه

4. Even if you are people, you are not that
For monkeys and dogs are better than you

٤. وَإِن كُنتُمُ ناساً وَما أَنتُمُ بِهِ
فَإِنَّ القُرودَ وَالكِلابَ مَلائِكَه