
I say, when he appeared from his abode

أقول لما لاح من خدره

1. I say, when he appeared from his abode
And the night let down the veil from its cover

١. أَقولُ لَمّا لاحَ مِن خِدرِهِ
وَاللَيلُ يَرخي الفَضلَ مِن سِترِهِ

2. Do I outshine his face with my own
Or does his face outshine mine?

٢. أَبَدرُهُ أَحسَنُ مِن وَجهِهِ
أَم وَجهُهُ أَحسَنُ مِن بَدرِهِ

3. Softness has inclined to his side
And roughness has inclined to his side

٣. قَد مالَتِ الرِقَّةُ في شَطرِهِ
وَمالَتِ الغِلظَةُ في شَطرِهِ

4. So his severity was laden with his glances
And his gentleness swayed at his waist

٤. فَأُزرُهُ غَصَّت بِأَردافِهِ
وَوُشحُهُ جالَت عَلى خَصرِهِ

5. I woke up not knowing, even if there was
Nothing on earth I had not known

٥. أَصبَحتُ لا أَدري وَإِن لَم يَكُن
في الأَرضِ شَيءٌ أَنا لَم أَدرِهِ

6. Does his hair outshine his face?
Or does his face outshine his hair?

٦. أَشعَرُهُ أَحسَنُ مِن وَجهِهِ
أَم وَجهُهُ أَحسَنُ مِن شَعرِهِ

7. And his pearls are taken from his words
Or are his words taken from his pearls?

٧. وَدُرُّهُ يُؤخَذُ مِن لَفظِهِ
أَم لَفظُهُ يُؤخَذُ مِن دُرِّهِ

8. And his lips are strung with his necklace
Or is his necklace strung with his lips?

٨. وَثَغرُهُ يُنظَمُ مِن عِقدِهِ
أَم عِقدُهُ يُنظَمُ مِن ثَغرِهِ

9. So who will protect the heart from his estrangement?
And who will protect the youth from his repulse?

٩. فَمِن عَذيرَ الصَبِّ مِن صَدِّهِ
وَمَن يُجيرُ القَلبَ مِن هَجرِهِ

10. Oh, if only he knew my love for him
Perhaps he would reward me for his worth

١٠. يا لَيتَهُ يَعرِفُ حُبّي لَهُ
عَساهُ يُجزيني عَلى قَدرِهِ