
I rode the backs of darkened nights

ركبت أعجاز ليال مظلمه

1. I rode the backs of darkened nights
Embroidered with daybreak landmarks.

١. رَكِبتُ أَعجازَ لَيالٍ مُظلِمَه
مُطَرَّزاتٍ بِالصَباحِ مُعلَمَه

2. I ventured through its perforated chill,
And the meadow in its ornamented gown -

٢. أَخطَرُ في بُردَتِها المُسَهَّمَه
وَالرَوضُ في حُلَّتِهِ المُنَمنَمَه

3. The night had strewn its stars upon it,
And vegetation had adorned it with coins.

٣. قَد نَثَرَ اللَيلُ عَلَيهِ أَنجُمَه
وَالنَبتُ قَد دَنَّرَهُ وَدَرهَمَه