1. Yellow it plunges from green canopy
As a shining star fell in the deep night
١. وَأَصفَرَ يَهوي مِن ذُؤابَةِ أَخضَرَ
كَما اِنقَضَّ نَجمٌ في الدُجَنَّةِ ثاقِبُ
2. It has branches plunging over its trunks
Like clasped fingers twisting round the palm
٢. لَهُ شُعَبٌ تَهوي عَلى سَرَواتِهِ
كَمِثلِ بَنانِ الكَفِّ يَلويهِ حاسِبُ
3. So he who had guided me proffered it, as though
The sun was its mother, the full moons its kin,
٣. فَناوَلَنيهِ ذو دَلالٍ كَأَنَّما
لَهُ الشَمسُ أُمٌّ وَالبُدورُ أَقارِبُ
4. Thus it came into view, famed for its beauty, arrayed
Loveliness its bosom friend, charm its companion.
٤. فَأَصبَحَ مَشهورَ الجَمالِ مُشَهَّراً
لَهُ الحُسنُ خِدنٌ وَالمَلاحَةُ صاحِبُ