
The path of guidance appeared before me, so I followed it,

أراني منهاج الهدى فسلكته

1. The path of guidance appeared before me, so I followed it,
And my ways did not diverge into misguidance.

١. أَرانِيَ مِنهاجَ الهُدى فَسَلَكتُهُ
وَلَم تَتَشَعَّب في الضَلالِ مَذاهِبي

2. He informed me that ignorance is not becoming of me,
And that forbearance is never out of reach for me.

٢. وَخَبَّرَ أَنَّ الجَهلَ لَيسَ بِآيِبٍ
إِلَيَّ وَأَنَّ الحُلمَ لَيسَ بِعازِبِ

3. So after incoherence, my praiser became eloquent,
And after eloquence, my blamer became inarticulate.

٣. فَأَفصَحَ مِن بَعدِ العُجومَةِ مادِحي
وَأَعجَمَ مِن بَعدِ الفَصاحَةِ عائِبي

4. And I returned my praises to the best of mankind,
So it took the place of necklaces around the neck of the unweaned camel.

٤. وَرَدَّ إِلى خَيرِ الأَنامِ مَدائِحي
فَحَلَّت مَحَلَّ العِقدِ مِن جيدِ كاعِبِ