1. For one whose abode at Ramah does not fall into decay
It has remained deserted for ages long gone
١. لِمَن طَلَلٌ بِرامَةَ لا يَريمُ
عَفا وَخَلا لَهُ حُقُبٌ قَديمُ
2. Its people have endured much from it so they deserted it
And in its courtyard vestiges of them remain
٢. تَحَمَّلَ أَهلُهُ مِنهُ فَبانوا
وَفي عَرَصاتِهِ مِنهُم رُسومُ
3. The stones look as if they are the braceleted hand
Of a maiden pushing back her armlets
٣. يَلُحنَ كَأَنَّهُنَّ يَدا فَتاةٍ
تُرَجَّعُ في مَعاصِمِها الوُشومُ
4. The lineage of Layla has left only a barren hill
And hillocks where sheep wandered
٤. عَفا مِن آلِ لَيلى بَطنُ ساقٍ
فَأَكثِبَةُ العَجالِزِ فَالقَصيمُ
5. Before us arise visions of Salma
As the debtor eyes his creditor
٥. تُطالِعُنا خَيالاتٌ لِسَلمى
كَما يَتَطَلَّعُ الدَينَ الغَريمُ
6. By your father's life, the age of Harim bin Salma
Has not tired my wit when disaster strikes
٦. لَعَمرُ أَبيكَ ما هَرِمُ بنُ سَلمى
بِمَلحِيٍّ إِذا اللُؤَماءُ ليموا
7. Nor made my heart languid or my tongue weary
When antagonists engaged in altercation
٧. وَلا ساهي الفُؤادِ وَلا عَيِيِّ ال
لِسانِ إِذا تَشاجَرَتِ الخُصومُ
8. For he is a downpour for us every year
To which the destitute and the needy resort
٨. وَهو غَيثٌ لَنا في كُلِّ عامٍ
يَلوذُ بِهِ المُخَوَّلُ وَالعَديمُ
9. And Harim has accustomed his tribe to rely on him
For his is the habit of noble manners
٩. وَعَوَّدَ قَومَهُ هَرِمٌ عَلَيهِ
وَمِن عاداتِهِ الخُلُقُ الكَريمُ
10. Even as his father had accustomed them
Whenever a grievous day visits them
١٠. كَما قَد كانَ عَوَّدَهُم أَبوهُ
إِذا أَزَمَتهُمُ يَوماً أَزومُ
11. It bothers people greatly when one they love
Bears an important matter
١١. كَبيرَةُ مَغرَمٍ أَن يَحمِلوها
تُهِمُّ الناسَ أَو أَمرٌ عَظيمُ
12. So that they may avoid blaming him while they
Do not flinch when witnessing grave events
١٢. لِيَنجوا مِن مَلامَتِها وَكانوا
إِذا شَهِدوا العَظائِمَ لَم يُليموا
13. Thus is their way of life and for every folk
There is a lifestyle when hardship touches them
١٣. كَذَلِكَ خِيمُهُم وَلِكُلِّ قَومٍ
إِذا مَسَّتهُمُ الضَرّاءُ خيمُ
14. And if the aspirations of an ambitious one are achieved through him
The feeble side of another is pointed to
١٤. وَإِن سُدَّت بِهِ لَهواتُ ثَغرٍ
يُشارُ إِلَيهِ جانِبُهُ سَقيمُ
15. A dreaded one whose might chews upon him
An old man not wont to intimacy or cheer
١٥. مَخوفٍ بَأسُهُ يَكلَأكَ مِنهُ
عَتيقٌ لا أَلَفُّ وَلا سَؤومُ
16. Among the departed he has true pillars
And each person of status has pillars
١٦. لَهُ في الذاهِبينَ أُرومُ صِدقٍ
وَكانَ لِكُلِّ ذي حَسبٍ أُرومُ