
My friend, do you see any enemies

تبين خليلي هل ترى من ظعائن

1. My friend, do you see any enemies
In the valley's winding pass, a prey in the open?

١. تَبَيَّن خَليلي هَل تَرى مِن ظَعائِنٍ
بِمُنعَرَجِ الوادي فُوَيقَ أَبانِ

2. They walked with trailing robes and raised
The saddle-pads of the smooth mount above the cruppers,

٢. مَشَينَ وَأَرخَينَ الذُيولَ وَرُفِّعَت
أَزِمَّةُ عيسٍ فَوقَها وَمَثاني

3. With every roan Gathayan camel there was a rider
A Ju'maliyyah with braided hair on her head,

٣. عَلى كُلِّ صَهباءِ العَثانينِ شامِذٍ
جُمالِيَّةٍ في رَأسِها شَطَنانِ

4. And an old reddish-black camel, shaggy, left behind the drove,
With tusks from which issued the bellowing of young camels,

٤. وَأَعيَسَ مَخلوجٍ عَنِ الشَولِ مُلبِدٍ
فَنابانِ مِن أَنيابِهِ غَرِدانِ

5. And every snarling beast whose hind-legs
When the she-camels raise their tails,

٥. وَكُلِّ غُرَيرِيٍّ كَأَنَّ فُروجَهُ
إِذا رَفَّعَت مِنهُ فُروجُ حِصانِ

6. With a neck writhing with what is attached to it
And two water-skins that gurgle with every drinker.

٦. لَهُ عُنُقٌ تُلوي بِما وُصِلَت بِهِ
وَدَفّانِ يَشتَفّانِ كُلَّ ظِعانِ

7. As though the landmarks surrounding it
Of the horses were a circle brought near for a wager.

٧. كَأَنَّ جَسيماتِ القَعائِدِ حَولَهُ
مِنَ الخَيلِ كُمتٌ قُرِّبَت لِرِهانِ

8. By your life, I and the son of my paternal aunt will spend the night
Wandering in the dark, both mounted on swift camels,

٨. لَعَمرُكَ إِنّي وَاِبنَ أُختِيَ بَيهَساً
لَرادانِ في الظَلماءِ مُؤتَسِيانِ

9. When we camp, having no pillow but the ground,
And that is no comfort to the coward.

٩. إِذا ما نَزَلنا خَرَّ غَيرَ مُوَسَّدٍ
وِساداً وَما طِبّي لَهُ بِهَوانِ

10. By the tent-rope one who spreads his two arms, wrapped up,
Bent over, and above him cast skins.

١٠. لَدى الحَبلِ مَن يُسرى ذِراعَي شِمِلَّةٍ
أُنيخَت فَأَلقَت فَوقَهُ بِجِرانِ

11. Four of them he folded into pairs over pairs,
So they became eights with their doubles.

١١. ثَنَت أَربَعاً مِنها عَلى ثِنيِ أَربَعٍ
فَهُنَّ بِمَثنِيّاتِهِنَّ ثَماني

12. To you from the Yemeni cave they rushed pell-mell,
Both his hands and purpose confused.

١٢. إِلَيكَ مِنَ الغَورِ اليَماني تَدافَعَت
يَداها وَنِسعا غَرضِها قَلِقانِ

13. As though a black pandemic mare mingled with them
Having two water-bags hanging slack.

١٣. كَأَنَّ كُحَيلاً خالَطَتهُ عَنِيَّةٌ
بِدَفَّينِ مِنها اِستَرخَيا وَلَبانِ

14. It continues to sway in the halter as though
When it kneels down it is a bow of arteries.

١٤. تَظَلُّ تَمَطّى في الزِمامِ كَأَنَّها
إِذا بَرَكَت قَوسٌ مِنَ الشِرِيانِ

15. Sneezing through its whiskers in front of its nostril,
And if you wish, bleating among the flocks.

١٥. نَهوزٌ بِلَحيَيها أَمامَ سِفارِها
وَمُعتَلَّةٌ إِن شِئتَ في الجَمَزانِ

16. How often it has crossed from pool to pool
And I watered it from between the two valley-sides.

١٦. وَكَم قَد طَوَت مِن مَنهَلٍ بَعدَ مَنهَلٍ
وَأَورَدتُها مِن آجِنٍ وَدِفانِ

17. While the dusty gray hair of its forelock fluttered
I supplicated against its length and it answered me.

١٧. وَأَشعَثَ قَد طارَت قَنازِعُ رَأسِهِ
دَعَوتُ عَلى طولِ الكَرى وَدَعاني

18. Knocked down with it on the ground until it was as though
It was the throwing-stick's brother thrown by the player.

١٨. مَطَوتُ بِهِ في الأَرضِ حَتّى كَأَنَّهُ
أَخو سَبَبٍ يُرمى بِهِ الرَجَوانِ

19. When the torrents carry away my property once
The son of Sinan's message contains my request

١٩. إِذا جَرَّفَت مالي الجَوارِفُ مَرَّةً
تَضَمَّنَ رِسلاً حاجَتي اِبنُ سِنانِ

20. And the request of others - he has abundant resources
And an unstinting source of bestowal and clarity.

٢٠. وَحاجَةَ غَيري إِنَّهُ ذو مَوارِدٍ
وَذو مَصدَرٍ مِن نائِلٍ وَبَيانِ

21. He establishes for my people in my gifts a precedent
For if my people transgressed against me, enough for me!

٢١. يَسُنُّ لِقَومي في عَطائِيَ سُنَّةً
فَإِن قَومِيَ اِعتَلّوا عَلَيَّ كَفاني

22. As though the needy around his domes
Were camels at a pool exuding drivel.

٢٢. كَأَنَّ ذَوي الحاجاتِ حَولَ قِبابِهِ
جِمالٌ لَدى ماءٍ يَحُمنَ حَواني

23. When they overrun the stipend he divides them
Skins of aged sheep behind skins.

٢٣. إِذا ما غَشوا الحَدّادَ فَرَّقَ بَينَهُم
جِفانٌ مِنَ الشيزى وَراءَ جِفانِ

24. When the horses pranced in the meadow and were uncovered,
Glowering and not asked for anything but the lance,

٢٤. إِذا الخَيلُ جالَت في القَنا وَتَكَشَّفَت
عَوابِسَ لا يُسأَلنَ غَيرَ طِعانِ

25. And all wheeled about and then were separated between them
His lance watered her among them with a red vessel,

٢٥. وَكُرَّت جَميعاً ثُمَّ فُرِّقَ بَينَها
سَقى رُمحَهُ مِنها بِأَحمَرَ آني

26. A man who does not encounter the spear except with his chest
When the vitals of every coward tremble.

٢٦. فَتىً لا يُلاقي القِرنَ إِلّا بِصَدرِهِ
إِذا أُرعِشَت أَحشاءُ كُلِّ جَبانِ