1. Why did she burden me, as if with blame like needles,
Without anything to justify attaching blame,
١. فيمَ لَحَت إِنَّ لَومَها ذُعُرُ
أَحمَيتِ لَوماً كَأَنَّهُ الإِبَرُ
2. Except foolishness and the poor judgment that clothed her,
Until she inserted her blame beneath my skin without a trace.
٢. مِن غَيرِ ما يُلصِقُ المَلامَةَ إِلـ
ـلا سُخفَ رَأيٍ وَسائَها عُصُرُ
3. I said to her, "My dear, I say to you about
Things I know well of them the news:
٣. حَتّى إِذا أَدخَلَت مَلامَتَها
مِن تَحتِ جِلدي وَلا يُرى أَثَرُ
4. Wealth may turn to a man after a time, then after a time, ruin him,
For wealth is what God has decreed, so it must gain possession as fate.
٤. قُلتُ لَها يا اِربَعي أَقُل لَكِ في
أَشياءَ عِندي مِن عِلمِها خَبَرُ
5. Effort is the best thing that helped you, or
That you were connected by and efforts are gathered.
٥. قَد يُقبِلُ المالُ بَعدَ حينٍ عَلى الـ
ـمَرءِ وَحيناً لِهُلكِهِ دُبُرُ
6. A man may acquire, after providing for his family,
And then after wealth, have to provide and exert himself.
٦. وَالمالُ ما خَوَّلَ الإِلَهُ فَلا
بُدَّ لَهُ أَن يَحوزَهُ قَدَرُ
7. Evil is the worst thing you will be tainted by,
While righteousness is like rain whose plants are flourishing.
٧. وَالجِدُّ مِن خَيرِ ما أَعانَك أَو
صُلتَ بِهِ وَالجُدودُ تُهتَصَرُ
8. I have witnessed the drunken reveler - neither his virtues apparent, nor limits.
Among young men of soft resolve who do not forget their dreams when drunk.
٨. قَد يَقتَني المَرءُ بَعدَ عَيلَتِهِ
يَعيلُ بَعدَ الغِنى وَيَجتَبِرُ
9. They are hospitable to guest and vagrant and they fulfill vows when they make them."
٩. وَالإِثمُ مِن شَرِّ ما يُصالُ بِهِ
وَالبِرُّ كَالغَيثِ نَبتُهُ أَمِرُ
١٠. قَد أَشهَدُ الشارِبَ المُعَذَّلَ لا
مَعروفُهُ مُنكَرٌ وَلا حَصِرُ
١١. في فِتيَةٍ لَيِّني المَآزِرِ لا
يَنسَونَ أَحلامَهُم إِذا سَكِروا
١٢. يَشوُونَ لِلضَيفِ وَالعُفاةِ وَيو
فونَ قَضاءً إِذا هُمُ نَذَروا