
When will the abodes of Banu Suhaym be remembered

متى تذكر ديار بني سحيم

1. When will the abodes of Banu Suhaym be remembered
With yearning, though I am not one who has forgotten them?

١. مَتى تُذكَر دِيارُ بَني سُحَيمٍ
بِمَقلِيَةٍ فَلَستُ بِمَن قَلاها

2. They gave birth to my children, while I deemed that I
Was destined for a lofty life which raised me high.

٢. هُمُ وَلَدوا بَنِيَّ وَخِلتُ أَنّي
إِلى أُربِيَّةٍ عَمِدٍ ثَراها

3. They are most noble and generous to those who seek them,
But to those who turn away they are flames of wrath.

٣. هُمُ الخَيرُ البَجيلُ لِمَن بَغاهُم
وَهُم نارُ الغَضى لِمَنِ اِصطَلاها

4. Among them is a protector of the plain, a man of sorrow,
One who could alone withstand the trials sent her way.

٤. وَمِنهُم مانِعُ البَطحاءِ حَزنٌ
وَكانَ سِدادَ مَركَبَةٍ كِفاها

5. Had it not been for her rope of faith, I would have fallen
To a sweet land whose water is torment and death.

٥. وَلَولا حَبلُهُ لَنَزَلتُ أَرضاً
عِذابَ الماءِ طَيِّبَةً قُراها