
In a town unafraid though fearful,

وبلدة لا ترام خائفة

1. In a town unafraid though fearful,
Dusty are its sides,

١. وبَلدَةٍ لا تُرامُ خائِفَةٍ
زَوراءَ مُغبَرَّةٍ جَوانِبُها

2. You can hear jinn musicians playing in it,
At dawn, its lions are terrified,

٢. تَسمَعُ لِلجِنِّ عازِفينَ بِها
تَضبَحُ مِن رَهبَةٍ ثَعالِبُها

3. Fear makes the heart climb but
Its companion cannot rest easily,

٣. يَصعَدُ مِن خَوفِها الفُؤادُ وَلا
يَرقُدُ بَعضَ الرُقادِ صاحِبُها

4. I tasked it to bring news hastily
With commotion, its shoulders are shaking,

٤. كَلَّفتُها عِرمِساً عُذافِرَةً
ذاتَ هِبابٍ فَعماً مَناكِبُها

5. It watches the threshed harvest when
Migrating, its locusts do not diminish,

٥. تُراقِبُ المُحصَدَ المُمَرَّ إِذا
هاجِرَةٌ لَم تَقِل جَنادِبُها

6. With unwavering honesty, its eyelash
Wards off motes, its eyebrow arches,

٦. بِمُقلَةٍ لا تُغَرُّ صادِقَةٍ
يَطحَرُ عَنها القَذاةَ حاجِبُها

7. That while the friend reached Sahbaa’
With sides of smooth sand,

٧. ذاكَ وَقَد أَصبَحُ الخَليلَ بِصَه
باءَ كُمَيتٍ صافٍ جَوانِبُها

8. Like the blood of slaughtered sheep when
Its drinker sips it,

٨. مِثلِ دَمِ الشادِنِ الذَبيحِ إِذا
أَتأَقَ مِنها الراوُوقَ شارِبُها

9. It crept until it betrayed him
With madness, and its captor gave up,

٩. دَبَّت دَبيباً حَتّى تَخَوَّنَهُ
مِنها حُمَيّاً وَكَفَّ صالِبُها

10. From what you see, it restrains its speech
And suppresses inside what defeats it,

١٠. عَمّا تَراهُ يَكُفُّ مَنطِقَهُ
أَجمَعَ في النَفسِ ما يُغالِبُها

11. Soon you saw it, speech failed
And its wonders were hurried.

١١. عَمّا قَليلٍ رَأَيتَهُ رَبِذَ ال
مَنطِقِ وَاِستَعجَلَت عَجائِبُها