1. Do you know the twilights of Layla's clan,
With yearning women standing in line?
١. أَمِن آلِ لَيلى عَرَفتَ الطُلولا
بِذي حُرُضٍ ماثِلاتٍ مُثولا
2. No, you think their gestures are verses
Weeping copiously out of passionate desire.
٢. بَلينَ وَتَحسِبُ آياتِهِن
نَ عَن فَرطِ حَولَينِ رَقّاً مُحيلا
3. Your visage in the morning is one of departure,
Disobeying good counsel and hastening ahead recklessly.
٣. إِلَيكَ سِنانُ الغَداةَ الرَحيلُ
أَعصي النُهاةَ وَأُمضي الفُؤُولا
4. So do not feel safe from an assault by his knights -
The clan of Wael and frighten them with vigor.
٤. فَلا تَأمَني غَزوَ أَفراسِهِ
بَني وائِلٍ وَاِرهَبيهِ جَديلا
How can one be wary of a man who does not relent
٥. وَكَيفَ اِتِّقاءُ اِمرِئٍ لا يَؤُوبُ
بِالقَومِ في الغَزوِ حَتّى يُطيلا
6. In attacking the tribe, until he takes his time?
With disheveled hair like a spinster's,
٦. بِشُعثٍ مُعَطَّلَةٍ كَالقِسِيِّ
غَزَونَ مَخاضاً وَأُدّينَ حولا
7. They raid violently and return laden.
Necks of their she-camels bobbing,
٧. نَواشِزَ أَطباقُ أَعناقِها
وَضُمَّرُها قافِلاتٌ قُفولا
8. While their humps are caravans returning.
When they slip into the darkness of night,
٨. إِذا أَدلَجوا لِحِوالِ الغِوارِ
لَم تُلفَ في القَومِ نِكساً ضَئيلا
9. You will not see in the tribe a trace left behind.
But they beat the summit all night long
٩. وَلَكِنَّ جَلداً جَميعَ السِلا
حِ لَيلَةَ ذَلِكَ عِضّاً بَسيلا
10. With a downpour gushing violently.
When the clouds above him dispersed,
١٠. فَلَمّا تَبَلَّجَ ما فَوقَهُ
أَناخَ فَشَنَّ عَلَيهِ الشَليلا
11. He descended and emptied on him a deluge.
And he multiplied above it a scattering
١١. وَضاعَفَ مِن فَوقِها نَثرَةً
تَرُدُّ القَواضِبَ عَنها فُلولا
12. That drives away the rain clouds in droves.
Doubling it like the darkness of night
١٢. مُضاعَفَةً كَأَضاةِ المَسي
لِ تُغشي عَلى قَدَمَيهِ فُضولا
13. To cover his feet in abundance.
Then he restrained it for a while and said
١٣. فَنَهنَهَها ساعَةً ثُمَّ قالَ
لِلوازِعِيهِنَّ خَلّوا السَبيلا
14. To those who released it, "Clear the way!"
So he followed them like the trailing meteors
١٤. فَأَتبَعَهُم فَيلَقاً كَالسَرا
بِ جَأواءَ تُتبِعُ شُخباً ثَعولا
15. That a shrieking she-camel follows bleating.
He roars in every meadow you see
١٥. عَناجيجَ في كُلِّ رَهوٍ تَرى
رِعالاً سِراعاً تُباري رَعيلا
16. A stallion galloping, racing a mare.
Wild beasts writhing with the writhing of a hunted gazelle,
١٦. جَوانِحَ يَخلِجنَ خَلجَ الظِبا
ءِ يَركُضنَ ميلاً وَيَنزِعنَ ميلا
17. Galloping a mile and springing a mile.
So he remained briefly with his companions,
١٧. فَظَلَّ قَصيراً عَلى صَحبِهِ
وَظَلَّ عَلى القَومِ يَوماً طَويلا