
I was told that Abu Al-Huwayrith had

أخبرت أن أبا الحويرث قد

1. I was told that Abu Al-Huwayrith had
Written the document, O dreams!

١. أُخبِرتُ أَنَّ أَبا الحُوَيرِثِ قَد
خَطَّ الصَحيفَةَ أَيتَ لِلحِلمِ

2. You thought me in religion a follower,
As though I made lawful the sons of arrowpoints.

٢. أَحَسِبتَني في الدينِ تابِعَةً
أَوَلَو حَلَلتُ عَلى بَني سَهمِ

3. A people who are the sons of my father, and theirs
Is most of Hejaz, a people of resolution.

٣. قَومٌ هُمُ وَلَدوا أَبي وَلَهُم
جُلُّ الحِجازِ بُنوا عَلى الحَزمِ

4. They refused the Khazraj from their houses
With blades and burnished arrows white-hot.

٤. مَنَعوا الخَزايَةَ عَن بُيوتِهِمُ
بِأَسِنَّةٍ وَصَفائِحٍ خُذمِ

5. Their majesty, as you knew, when
You attacked with obtuse spearheads.

٥. وَجَلالُهُم ما قَد عَلِمتَ إِذا
أُحلِلتُمُ بِمَخارِمِ الأُكمِ

6. And I certainly rode against the coat of mail with a swimmer
Like the train of a startled ostrich.

٦. وَلَقَد غَدَوتُ عَلى القَنيصِ بِسابِحٍ
مِثلِ الوَذيلَةِ جُرشُعٍ لَأمِ

7. Fetters of the devotee, nothing makes it disappear
Like the master, no udder and no brisket.

٧. قَيدِ الأَوابِدِ ما يُغَيِّبُها
كَالسيدِ لا ضَرَعٍ وَلا قَحمِ

8. Clattering like the lower part of the water-wheel
Of smooth wood, driving away the horses with blindness.

٨. صَعلٍ كَسافِلَةِ القَناةِ مِنَ ال
مُرّانِ يَنفي الخَيلَ بِالعَذمِ