
I did not see a companion like the two sons of Sinan,

لم أر سوقة كابني سنان

1. I did not see a companion like the two sons of Sinan,
Nor a carrier of your religion in the hearts,

١. لَم أَرَ سوقَةً كَاِبنَي سِنانٍ
وَلا حُمِلا وَجَدِّكَ في الحُجورِ

2. More steadfast against the vicissitudes of time,
And better in life and in the graves.

٢. أَشَدَّ عَلى صُروفِ الدَهرِ إِدّاً
وَخَيراً في الحَياةِ وَفي القُبورِ