
And were it not for fear that Abu Tarif

ولولا أن ينال أبا طريف

1. And were it not for fear that Abu Tarif
Would suffer punishment from a king or chastisement dire,

١. وَلَولا أَن يَنالَ أَبا طَريفٍ
عَذابٌ مِن مَليكٍ أَو نَكالُ

2. Never would you have heard from me aught but seemly speech;
But for each occasion words there are that fit it well.

٢. لَما أَسمَعتُكُم قَذَعاً وَلَكِن
لِكُلِّ مَقامِ ذي عانٍ مَقالُ

3. Concerning him whom you imprison, this Abu Tarif,
Be sure that everything will soon change and turn about.

٣. عَلى ما تَحبِسونَ أَبا طَريفٍ
أَلا في كُلِّ ما شَيءٍ طَوالُ