
Umayma went on after she had said farewell,

شطت أميمة بعدما صقبت

1. Umayma went on after she had said farewell,
Moving away while my love for her did not disappear.

١. شَطَّت أُمَيمَةُ بَعدَما صَقِبَت
وَنَأَت وَما فَنِيَ الجِنابُ فَيَذهَبُ

2. She obtained the result of separation, which was
A specter that weighed heavily on the one bidding farewell.

٢. نالَت بِعاقِبَةٍ وَكانَ نَوالَها
طَيفٌ يَشُقُّ عَلى المُباعَدِ مُنصِبُ

3. In every night camp there was a yearning companion for her
Who stirred up sorrow while turning to and fro.

٣. في كُلِّ مَثوى لَيلَةٍ سارٍ لَها
هادٍ يَهيجُ بِحُزنِهِ مُتَأَوِّبُ

4. How did you cut across while you were not experienced
In traversing the desert? Where in you was determination?

٤. أَنّى قَطَعتِ وَأَنتِ غَيرُ رَجيلَةٍ
عَرضَ الفَلاةِ وَأَينَ مِنكِ المَطلَبُ

5. Can reproach convey you to the high ground of resolve
While censure makes me shun you and causes aversion?

٥. هَل تُبلِغَنِّيها عَلى شَحطِ النَوى
عَنسٌ تَخُبُّ بِيَ الهَجيرَ وَتَنعَبُ

6. My love for her flowed freely and her intention was evident:
Pasturage for her, tender from the plants growing on it.

٦. أُجُدٌ سَرى فيها وَظاهَرَ نَيَّها
مَرعىً لَها أَنِقٌ بِفَيدٍ مُعشِبُ

7. A she-camel, firm of step, who hardens her tread at a rider
As though her driver were a swaying sandhill.

٧. حَرفٌ عُذافِرَةٌ تَجِدُّ بِراكِبٍ
وَكَأَنَّ حارِكَها كَثيبٌ أَحدَبُ

8. Whenever distress looms, she is relied upon
And a refuge for one facing calamities and seeking escape.

٨. مِنها إِذا اِحتَضَرَ الخُطوبُ مُعَوَّلٌ
وَقِرىً لِحاضِرَةِ الهُمومِ وَمَهرَبُ

9. She was offered to her stallion and it was as though
She were a vat round which builders throng.

٩. وَكَأَنَّها إِذ قُرِّبَت لِقُتودِها
فَدَنٌ تَطوفُ بِهِ البُناةُ مُبَوَّبُ

10. She inspires yearning, her neck rings were adorned for the Feast,
Delicate from the pure oil with which she was smeared.

١٠. تَهدي قَلائِصَ دُرِّبَت عيدِيَّةً
خوصاً أَضَرَّ بِها الوَجيفُ المُهذِبُ

11. Until after persevering her determination gave out
And she was disgraced by the wilderness, rugged and harsh.

١١. حَتّى اِنطَوى بَعدَ الدُؤُوبِ ثَميلُها
وَأُذِلَّ مِنها بِالفَلاةِ المَصعَبُ

12. It was as though their eyes from the hardship of travel
Were a meadow whose water channels had gone dry.

١٢. وَكَأَنَّ أَعيُنَهُنَّ مِن طولِ السُرى
قُلُبٌ نَواكِزُ ماؤُهُنَّ مُنَضِّبُ

13. It was as though she were the emaciated she-camel of Salh
That had made room on its side for loss and tail.

١٣. وَكَأَنَّها صَحِلُ الشَحيجِ مُطَرَّدٌ
أَخلى لَهُ حُقبُ السَوارِ وَمِذنَبُ

14. Springtime makes its home there, frightening to hear
In its stead the bustle of evening, loud and confused.

١٤. أَكَلَ الرَبيعَ بِها يُفَزِّعُ سَمعَهُ
بِمَكانِهِ هَزِجُ العَشِيَّةِ أَصهَبُ

15. And a limit like the scar of al-Walid, rugged,
A mountainside which the worthless dust heaps obey.

١٥. وَحداً كَمِقلاءِ الوَليدِ مُكَدَّمٌ
جَأبٌ أَطاعَ لَهُ الجَميمُ مُحَنَّبُ

16. The nests of eagles on the crags, a mountainside,
Steep, more hollow than a honeycomb.

١٦. صُلُبُ النُسورِ عَلى الصُخورِ مُراجِمٌ
جَأبٌ حَزابِيَةٌ أَقَبُّ مُعَقرِبُ

17. When the stars gave it shade, it shook off
The free women and those who bore heavy burdens.

١٧. حَتّى إِذا لَوحُ الكَواكِبِ شَفَّهُ
مِنهُ الحَرائِرُ وَالسَفا المُتَنَصِّبُ

18. He remembered a watering place with its fruit trees
While beyond it were humble palm trees, bent and stooped.

١٨. اِرتاعَ يَذكُرُ مَشرَباً بِثِمادِهِ
مِن دونِهِ خُشُعٌ دَنونَ وَأَنقُبُ

19. He determined to head for the fresh, cold springs
Above which was a dyke pouring out and flaming.

١٩. عَزَمَ الوُرودَ فَآبَ عَذباً بارِداً
مِن فَوقِهِ سُدٌّ يَسيلُ وَأَلهُبُ

20. Pool overflowing which do not dry up, rushing
With mosses upon their eddies fluttering.

٢٠. جُفَرٌ تَفيضُ وَلا تَغيضُ طَوامِياً
يَزخَرنَ فَوقَ جِمامِهِنَّ الطُحلُبُ

21. So he led his mount into the darkness and it led him away
Then halted, wary of destruction, keeping watch.

٢١. فَاِعتامَهُ عِندَ الظَلامِ فَسامَهُ
ثُمَّ اِنتَهى حَذَرَ المَنِيَّةِ يَرقُبُ

22. Upon the path a mounted guard was an attentive sentry
Striving with his eyes to keep the enclosure in view.

٢٢. وَعَلى الشَريعَةِ رابِئٌ مُتَحَلِّسٌ
رامٍ بِعَينَيهِ الحَظيرَةَ شَيزَبُ

23. With him was a scout, whenever he tightened its lead
With divine sanction she mocked him and laughed at him.

٢٣. مَعَهُ مُتابِعَةٌ إِذا هُوَ شَدَّها
بِالشِرعِ يَستَشزي لَهُ وَتَحَدَّبُ

24. Smooth and deep-necked, it was as though her equipment
Were a professional mourner enumerating the generous.

٢٤. مَلساءُ مُحدَلَةٌ كَأَنَّ عَتادَها
نَوّاحَةٌ نَعَتِ الكِرامَ مُشَبِّبُ

25. Slender, pebble-hard hoof, a spring,
Like metal slag when it is pounded and drawn out.

٢٥. قَنواءُ حَصّاءُ المُقَوَّسِ نَبعَةٌ
مِثلُ السَبيكَةِ إِذ تُمَلُّ وَتُشسَبُ

26. A look like the hem of a loincloth, pallid,
Neither jujube nor does it tend to mottle.

٢٦. عُرشٌ كَحاشِيَةِ الإِزارِ شَريجَةٌ
صَفراءُ لا سِدرٌ وَلا هِيَ تَألَبُ

27. And well-informed from what he has seen, steadfast,
With the course of events, above him and pressing down.

٢٧. وَمُثَقَّفٌ مِمّا بَرى مُتَمالِكٌ
بِالسَيرِ ذو أُطُرٍ عَلَيهِ وَمَنكِبُ

28. He shot and missed him and galloped away as though
He were a fox in the lair of goats bleating.

٢٨. فَرَمى فَأَخطَأَهُ وَجالَ كَأَنَّهُ
أَلِمٌ عَلى بَرزِ الأَماعِزِ يَلحَبُ

29. Was that him or one with two braids, impassioned,
A splay-footed hyena which a howler looks after?

٢٩. أَفَذاكَ أَم ذو جُدَّتَينِ مُوَلَّعٌ
لَهَقٌ تُراعيهِ بِحَومَلَ رَبرَبُ

30. While he jested with a sand dune and her young
There came to him a large-necked wild donkey.

٣٠. بَينا يُضاحِكُ رَملَةً وَجِوائِسَها
يَوماً أُتيحَ لَهُ أُقَيدِرُ جَأنَبُ

31. It went straight for him and he shied away, then it drove him off,
Honor which tests sharp swords and tries them out.

٣١. قَصداً إِلَيهِ فَجالَ ثُمَّتَ رَدَّهُ
عِزٌّ وَمُشتَدُّ النِصالِ مُجَرَّبُ

32. It left him with cheeks that looked as though
They were stained with the blood of virginity, viscous.

٣٢. فَتَرَكنَهُ خَضِلَ الجَبينِ كَأَنَّهُ
قَرمٌ بِهِ كَدمُ البِكارَةِ مُصعَبُ

33. It tore away their veils, so ones nobility and gravity
Were shamed and stooped over in humiliation.

٣٣. فَاِبتَزَّهُنَّ حُتوفَهُنَّ فَفائِظٌ
عَطِبٌ وَكابٍ لِلجَبينِ مُتَرَّبُ