
And Um Kab's mother said, do not blame me

وقالت أم كعب لا تزرني

1. And Um Kab's mother said, do not blame me
By Allah, you have no share of my grave

١. وَقالَت أُمُّ كَعبٍ لا تَزُرني
فَلا وَاللَهِ مالَكَ مِن مَزارِ

2. I saw you avoid me and turn away
How could I have patience and composure?

٢. رَأَيتُكَ عِبتَني وَصَدَدتَ عَنّي
وَكَيفَ عَلَيكَ صَبري وَاِصطِباري

3. Yet I did not corrupt your children
Or bring great misfortunes upon you

٣. فَلَم أُفسِد بَنيكَ وَلَم أُقَرِّب
إِلَيكَ مِنَ المُلِمّاتِ الكِبارِ

4. Stay, mother of Kab, and be reassured
For you have not stayed in a goodly home

٤. أَقيمي أُمَّ كَعبٍ وَاِطمَئِنّي
فَإِنَّكِ ما أَقَمتِ بِخَيرِ دارِ