
The parting has intensified the separation, so we parted ways

إن الخليط أجد البين فانفرقا

1. The parting has intensified the separation, so we parted ways
My heart clung to the names of what it clung to

١. إِنَّ الخَليطَ أَجَدَّ البَينَ فَاِنفَرَقا
وَعُلِّقَ القَلبُ مِن أَسماءَ ما عَلِقا

2. And you left taking a pledge I cannot redeem
On the day of farewell, so the pledge remained locked

٢. وَفارَقَتكَ بِرَهنٍ لا فِكاكَ لَهُ
يَومَ الوِداعِ فَأَمسى الرَهنُ قَد غَلِقا

3. And the daughter of Bakri broke her promise to you
So the rope from her became weak and fragile

٣. وَأَخلَفَتكَ اِبنَةُ البَكرِيِّ ما وَعَدَت
فَأَصبَحَ الحَبلُ مِنها واهِناً خَلَقا

4. She stood to show herself to someone lost so that she would sadden me
And it's inevitable that those in love long

٤. قامَت تَراءى بِذي ضالٍ لِتَحزُنَني
وَلا مَحالَةَ أَن يَشتاقَ مَن عَشِقا

5. With the soft cheek of a spinner, blood of a betrayer
From the gazelles, pasturing a lofty monastery

٥. بِجيدِ مُغزِلَةٍ أَدماءَ خاذِلَةٍ
مِنَ الظِباءِ تُراعي شادِناً خَرِقا

6. As if her saliva after the wine was frozen
From the good scent when it finishes fermenting

٦. كَأَنَّ ريقَتَها بَعدَ الكَرى اِغتُبِقَت
مِن طَيِّبِ الراحِ لَمّا يَعدُ أَن عَتُقا

7. The drawers splashed onto her cruse, dripping
Water smooth, no cracks or coarseness

٧. شَجَّ السُقاةُ عَلى ناجودِها شَبِماً
مِن ماءِ لينَةَ لا طَرقاً وَلا رَنِقا

8. I kept watching them until when the hands
Of the riders descended upon them, some energetic, some lazy

٨. ما زِلتُ أَرمُقُهُم حَتّى إِذا هَبَطَت
أَيدي الرِكابِ بِهِم مِن راكِسٍ فَلَقا

9. Close or distant for my evils, or the sandalwood of Adam
The warriors hasten upon their traces, agitated

٩. دانِيَةٍ لِشَروَرى أَو قَفا أَدمٍ
تَسعى الحُداةُ عَلى آثارِهِم حِزَقا

10. As if my eyes in the pupils slain
From the clarity, watering an uprooted garden

١٠. كَأَنَّ عَينَيَّ في غَربَي مُقَتَّلَةٍ
مِنَ النَواضِحِ تَسقي جَنَّةً سُحُقا

11. Swirling the drizzle, so it flows in its folds
From the inevitability, a guiding hole, anxious

١١. تَمطو الرِشاءَ فَتَجري في ثِنايَتِها
مِنَ المَحالَةِ ثَقباً رائِداً قَلِقا

12. It has belongings and helpers who tomorrow will depart with it
East and west, once emptied, collapse

١٢. لَها مَتاعٌ وَأَعوانٌ غَدَونَ بِهِ
قِتبٌ وَغَربٌ إِذا ما أُفرِغَ اِنسَحَقا

13. And a driver sings when she feared
Catching up to her, she extends the firm necks

١٣. وَخَلفَها سائِقٌ يَحدو إِذا خَشِيَت
مِنهُ اللِحاقَ تَمُدُّ الصُلبَ وَالعُنُقا

14. And a guide sings whenever she could with her hands
Standing the howdah, overflowing

١٤. وَقابِلٌ يَتَغَنّى كُلَّما قَدَرَت
عَلى العَراقي يَداهُ قائِماً دَفَقا

15. Circling in a stream, its frogs croaking
Like the love of maidens, you see speech in its water

١٥. يُحيلُ في جَدوَلٍ تَحبو ضَفادِعُهُ
حَبوَ الجَواري تَرى في مائِهِ نُطُقا

16. Coming out from drinks, its water murky
On the trunks, alleviating grief and drowning

١٦. يَخرُجنَ مِن شَرَباتٍ ماؤُها طَحِلٌ
عَلى الجُذوعِ يَخَفنَ الغَمَّ وَالغَرَقا

17. Nay, remember the best of Qais in lineage and morals
And the best of him attaining and the best of him in manners

١٧. بَلِ اِذكُرَن خَيرَ قَيسٍ كُلِّها حَسَباً
وَخَيرَها نائِلاً وَخَيرَها خُلُقا

18. The leader whose horses are defeated, their straps tightened
Fastened like the knots of skin and marks

١٨. القائِدَ الخَيلَ مَنكوباً دَوابِرُها
قَد أُحكِمَت حَكَماتِ القِدِّ وَالأَبَقا

19. They raided Siman so it came back humiliated
After they avoided it, with distorted humps

١٩. غَزَت سِماناً فَآبَت ضُمَّراً خُدُجاً
مِن بَعدِ ما جَنَبوها بُدَّناً عُقُقا

20. Until it comes back to him crooked, out of service
Complaining of straps, females, and rattling

٢٠. حَتّى يَأُوبَ بِها عوجاً مُعَطَّلَةً
تَشكو الدَوابِرَ وَالأَنساءَ وَالصُفُقا

21. Seeking the status of two women who presented good
Attained the kings and frequented these markets

٢١. يَطلُبُ شَأوَ اِمرِأَينِ قَدَّما حَسَناً
نالا المُلوكَ وَبَذّا هَذِهِ السُوَقا

22. He is the generous, so if he attains their status
Through his expenses, then the like of him attained

٢٢. هُوَ الجَوادُ فَإِن يَلحَق بِشَأوِهِما
عَلى تَكاليفِهِ فَمِثلُهُ لَحِقا

23. Or they surpassed him in what was of respite
Then the like of their good deeds preceded

٢٣. أَو يَسبِقاهُ عَلى ما كانَ مِن مَهَلٍ
فَمِثلُ ما قَدَّما مِن صالِحٍ سَبَقا

24. The whitest, purest, releasing
From the hands of aggressors and their necks the lightning

٢٤. أَغَرُّ أَبيَضُ فَيّاضٌ يُفَكِّكُ عَن
أَيدي العُناةِ وَعَن أَعناقِها الرِبَقا

25. And the wisest of them in opinion when news
Of events departed the people or arrived

٢٥. وَذاكَ أَحزَمُهُم رَأياً إِذا نَبَأٌ
مِنَ الحَوادِثِ غادى الناسَ أَو طَرَقا

26. He preferred the generous steeds over the slow horses but does not
Give the dispraised or the drive away for that

٢٦. فَضلَ الجِيادِ عَلى الخَيلِ البِطاءِ فَلا
يُعطي بِذَلِكَ مَمنوناً وَلا نَزِقا

27. He made the seekers of good in old age
And the beggars to his doors routes

٢٧. قَد جَعَلَ المُبتَغونَ الخَيرَ في هَرِمٍ
وَالسائِلونَ إِلى أَبوابِهِ طُرُقا

28. If he meets an old man one day in his weakness
He meets benevolence from him and softness in manners

٢٨. إِن تَلقَ يَوماً عَلى عِلّاتِهِ هَرِماً
تَلقَ السَماحَةَ مِنهُ وَالنَدى خُلُقا

29. No kinsman or one of lineage prohibits him one day
Nor a disputant from the lowly and vile

٢٩. وَلَيسَ مانِعَ ذي قُربى وَذي نَسَبٍ
يَوماً وَلا مُعدِماً مِن خابِطٍ وَرَقا

30. A lion in canyons hunting men when
The lion did not deny his peers, he was truthful

٣٠. لَيثٌ بِعَثَّرَ يَصطادُ الرِجالَ إِذا
ما كَذَّبَ اللَيثُ عَن أَقرانِهِ صَدَقا

31. He stabs them however they attempted until they were stabbed
He strikes until they struck, he embraced

٣١. يَطعَنُهُم ما اِرتَمَوا حَتّى إِذا اِطَّعَنوا
ضارَبَ حَتّى إِذا ما ضارَبوا اِعتَنَقا

32. This and not like one who is lost in his path
Amidst the soft sands when the eloquent spoke

٣٢. هَذا وَلَيسَ كَمَن يَعيا بِخُطَّتِهِ
وَسطَ النَدِيِّ إِذا ما ناطِقٌ نَطَقا

33. If the living attained a position in life
Like the horizon of the sky, his palm would attain the horizon

٣٣. لَو نالَ حَيٌّ مِنَ الدُنيا بِمَنزِلَةٍ
أُفقَ السَماءِ لَنالَت كَفُّهُ الأُفُقا