
For Asma a drawing has become erased today

لأسماء رسم أصبح اليوم دارسا

1. For Asma a drawing has become erased today,
And the meadows are emptied of flowers and herbs.

١. لِأَسماءَ رَسمٌ أَصبَحَ اليَومَ دارِساً
وَأَقفَرَ مِنها رَحرَحانَ فَراكِسا

2. On the slopes of 'Asayb, I see nothing but desolation,
Empty of traces except some ruins.

٢. فَجَنبَي عَسيبٍ لا أَرى غَيرَ ماثِلٍ
خَلاءً مِنَ الآثارِ إِلاّ الرَوامِسا

3. The nights of Salma, I see nothing like their allure,
Alluring and intimate, bringing down modesty like a companion.

٣. لَيالِيَ سَلمى لا أَرى مِثلَ دَلِّها
دَلالاً وَأُنساً يُهبِطُ العُصمَ آنِسا

4. And the best lodging for the shelter seeker in her abode,
And no sitting place in it for whoever was sitting.

٤. وَأَحسَنَ عَهداً لِلمُلِمِّ بِبَيتِها
وَلا مَجلِساً فيهِ لِمَن كانَ جالِسا

5. Musk was diffused from it until it was as if
Walking around with fresh and dry spices.

٥. تَضَوَّعَ مِنها المِسكُ حَتّى كَأَنَّما
تَرَجَّلُ بِالرَيحانِ رَطباً وَيابِسا

6. So leave it, but our meeting places have come to it
To bring down on our enemies the heavily loaded camels.

٦. فَدَعها وَلَكِن قَد أَتاها مَقادُنا
لِأَعدائِنا نُزجي الثِقالَ الكَوادِسا

7. We risk our heads with the twisting of turbans
On skulls that we make rise above the summits.

٧. نَشُدُّ بِتِعطافِ المُلاءِ رُؤوسَنا
عَلى قُلُصٍ نَعلو بِهِنَّ الأَمالِسا

8. With a group that wants to miss the two sons of Suhar, both of them
And the family of Rubayd, missing and touching.

٨. بِجَمعٍ يُريدُ اِبنَي صُحارٍ كِلَيهِما
وَآلَ رُبَيدٍ مُخطِئاً وَمُلامِسا

9. On skulls that we make rise above every arrogance
That battles with it the potent warriors sitting.

٩. عَلى قُلُصٍ نَعلو بِها كُلَّ سَبسَبٍ
تَخالُ بِهِ الحِرباءَ أَشمَطَ جالِسا

10. We gave them twenty seven nights
In which we roam the arid deserts leaving no tracks.

١٠. سَمَونا لَهُم سَبعاً وَعِشرينَ لَيلَةً
نَجوبُ مِنَ الأَعراضِ قَفراً بَسابِسا

11. So we spent the night clad in armor while they
Woke up on their knees, having lost everything.

١١. فَبِتنا قُعوداً في الحَديدِ وَأَصبَحوا
عَلى الرُكُباتِ يَجرُدونَ الأَيابِسا

12. And I have never seen live men more brave
Than us, when we met as horsemen.

١٢. فَلَم أَرَ مِثلَ الحَيِّ حَيّاً مُصَبَّحاً
وَلا مِثلَنا لَمّا اِلتَقَينا فوارِسا

13. More careful and protective of the truth than them,
And who surpassed us in striking with sharp swords.

١٣. أَكَرَّ وَأَحمى لِلحَقيقَةِ مِنهُمُ
وَأَضرَبَ مِنّا بِالسُيوفِ القَوانِسا

14. And we are more fortified against them, they cannot reach us,
Our horsemen who imprison the imprisoned.

١٤. وَأَحصَنَنا مِنهُم فَما يَبلُغونَنا
فَوارِسُ مِنّا يَحبِسونَ المَحابِسا

15. Whenever we show strength, they erect to face it
The chests of the glorious and the piercing lances.

١٥. إِذا ما شَدَدنا شَدّةً نَصَبوا لَها
صُدورَ المَذاكي وَالرِماحَ المَداعِسا

16. When the horses recoil from a slain man we dislike,
We drive them back toward the slain, returning only reluctantly.

١٦. إِذا الخَيلُ جالَت عَن صَريعٍ نُكِرُّها
عَلَيهِم فَما يَرجِعنَ إِلّا عَوابِسا

17. We stab around us with our lances
And strike them with the strikes of pressing assaults.

١٧. نُطاعِنُ عَن أَحسابِنا بِرِماحِنا
وَنَضرِبُهُم ضَربَ المُذيدِ الخَوامِسا

18. And I was at the front of the people, the first striker,
And I stabbed when stabbing was furtive.

١٨. وَكُنتُ أَمامَ القَومِ أَوَّلَ ضارِبٍ
وَطاعَنتُ إِذ كانَ الطِعانُ تَخالُسا

19. My witnesses were Mu'abad, Mukhariq
And Bishr - and I was martyred only after the weak ones.

١٩. فَكانَ شُهودي مَعبَدٌ وَمُخارِقٌ
وَبِشرٌ وَما اِستَشهَدتُ إِلّا الأَكايِسا

20. With me were the two sons of Suraym, both shield bearers,
And 'Urwa - had it not been for them, I would have met those who harvest lives.

٢٠. مَعي اِبنا صُرَيمٍ دارِعانِ كِلاهُما
وَعُروَةُ لَولاهُم لَقيتُ الدَهارِسا

21. And Zayd practiced then shortened his stay
He had the right with the likes of her to practice.

٢١. وَمارَسَ زَيدٌ ثُمَّ أَقصَرَ مُهرُهُ
وَحُقَّ لَهُ في مِثلِها أَن يُمارِسا

22. And Qurra protects them when they are scattered
And stabs them miserably - so you remained, O horseman.

٢٢. وَقُرَّةُ يَحَميهِم إِذا ما تَبَدَّدوا
وَيَطعَنُهُم شَزراً فَأَبرَحتَ فارِسا

23. Had those we wounded died, by morning
There would have been gazelles at the sides of the meadows as brides.

٢٣. وَلَو ماتَ مِنهُم مَن جَرَحنا لَأَصبَحَت
ضِباعٌ بِأَكنافِ الأَراكِ عَرائِسا

24. But being horsemen, they are only seen
Of the people in the double scale armor dressed.

٢٤. وَلَكِنَّهُم في الفارِسِيِّ فَلا يُرى
مِنَ القَومِ إِلّا في المُضاعَفِ لابِسا

25. If they kill one of us, a generous man, we
Take revenge on him with a killing that humiliates the proud.

٢٥. فَإِن يَقتُلوا مِنّا كَريماً فَإِنَّنا
أَبَأنا بِهِ قَتلاً يُذِلُّ المَعاطِسا

26. With it, we killed five of them in the meeting place of horses
And his killer, we added a sixth to the night.

٢٦. قَتَلنا بِهِ في مُلتَقى الخَيلِ خَمسَةً
وَقاتِلَهُ زِدنا مَعَ اللَيلِ سادِسا

27. And we, when war flared up, we flare it up
And in it we strike the cowering and hesitating.

٢٧. وَكُنّا إِذا ما الحَربُ شَبَّت نَشُبُّها
وَنَضرِبُ فيها الأَبلَخَ المُتَقاعِسا

28. I gave life and made live through our lances
A relentless fate and red camels pressing.

٢٨. فَأُبنا وَأَبقى في رِماحِنا
مَطارِدَ خَطِّىٍّ وَحُمراً مَداعِسا

29. And a coat of mail as if there were a lion above their backs
Of the people, with some obeying and others leading.

٢٩. وَجُرداً كَأَنَّ الأُسدَ فَوقَ مُتونِها
مِنَ القَومِ مَرؤوساً وَآخَرَ رائِسا