1. O messenger, convey to Ghailan from me
That soon an expert will come to him
١. أَلا مِن مُبَلِّغٍ غَيلانَ عَنّي
وَسَوفَ إِخالُ يَأتيهِ الخَبيرُ
2. And Orwah, I only gave an answer
And words other than yours that are easy
٢. وَعُروَةَ إِنَّما أُهدي جَواباً
وَقَولاً غَيرَ قَولِكُما يَسيرُ
3. That Muhammad is a servant, a messenger
Of a Lord who does not go astray or do injustice
٣. بِأَنَّ مُحَمَّداً عَبدٌ رَسولٌ
لِرَبٍّ لا يَضِلُّ وَلا يَجورُ
4. We found him a prophet like Moses
So every young man who rivals him has the choice
٤. وَجَدناهُ نَبِيّاً مِثلَ موسى
فَكُلُّ فَتىً يُخايِرُهُ مَخيرُ
5. And it was bad, the matter of Bani Qasi
With a face when things were divided
٥. وَبِئسَ الأَمرُ أَمرُ بَني قَسِيٍّ
بِوَجٍّ إِذ تُقُسِّمَتِ الأُمورُ
6. They lost their matter and for every people
There is a leader, and things revolve
٦. أَضاعوا أَمرَهُم وَلِكُلِّ قَومٍ
أَميرٌ وَالدَوائِرُ قَد تَدورُ
7. So we came to them a lion of thickets
The soldiers of God glittering and marching
٧. فَجِئنا أُسدَ غاباتٍ إِلَيهِم
جُنودُ اللَهِ ضاحِيَةً تَسيرُ
8. We lead the army, the Bani Qasi army
With rage, we almost fly
٨. نَؤُمُّ الجَمعَ جَمعَ بَني قَسِيٍّ
عَلى حَنَقٍ نَكادُ لَهُ نَطيرُ
9. And I swear if they had waited we would have marched
Against them with the soldiers and they did not garrison
٩. وَأُقسِمُ لَو هُمُ مَكَثوا لَسِرنا
إِلَيهِم بِالجُنودِ وَلَم يَغوروا
10. So we were lions roaring at them
Until we made them surrender the watchtowers
١٠. فَكُنّا أُسدَ لِيَّةَ ثَمَّ حَتّى
أَبَحناها وَأُسلِمَتِ النُصورُ
11. And a day that was before Hunain
Where bloodshed overflowed
١١. وَيَومٌ كانَ قَبلُ لدى حُنَينٍ
فَأَقلَعَ وَالدِماءُ بِهِ تَمورُ
12. Of days, you have not heard of its like
Nor has any male group heard of it
١٢. مِنَ الأَيّامِ لَم تَسمَع كَيَومٍ
وَلَم يَسمَع بِهِ قَومٌ ذُكورُ
13. We killed Bani Hutayt in the dust
On their banners while the horses race
١٣. قَتَلنا في الغُبارِ بَني حُطَيطٍ
عَلى راياتِها وَالخَيلُ زورُ
14. And the one in veil was no chieftain
For a people, with sense to punish or revenge
١٤. وَلَم يَكُ ذو الخِمارِ رَئيسَ قَومٍ
لَهُم عَقلٌ يُعاقِبُ أَو نَكيرُ
15. He made them follow the ways of mortality
And for the discerning the matter was clear
١٥. أَقامَ بِهِم عَلى سَنَنِ المَنايا
وَقَد بانَت لِمُبصِرِها الأُمورُ
16. So those who survived of them fled wounded
While many of them were killed
١٦. فَأَفلَتَ مَن نَجا مِنهُمُ جَريضاً
وَقُتِّلَ مِنهُمُ بَشَرٌ كَثيرُ
17. And the friend of procrastination is of no use
Nor the squeaking shackles of the captive
١٧. وَلا يُغني الأُمورَ أَخو التَواني
وَلا الغَلِقُ الصُرَيِّرَةُ الحَصورُ
18. We finished them, and it finished, and they surrendered them
Their matters and the falcons escaped
١٨. أَحانَهُمُ وَحانَ وَمَلَّكوهُ
أُمورَهُمُ وَأَفلَتَتِ الصُقورُ
19. Bani Auf's horses they swagger with pride
The barley and hay is disdained for them
١٩. بَنو عَوفٍ تَميحُ بِهِم جِيادٌ
أُهينَ لَها الفَصافِصُ وَالشَعيرُ
20. If it were not for Qarib and his father's sons
The farmlands and castles would have been divided
٢٠. فَلَولا قارِبٌ وَبَنو أَبيهِ
تُقُسِّمَتِ المَزارِعُ وَالقُصورُ
21. But they generalized leadership
Over Yemen, as the advisor indicated
٢١. وَلَكِنَّ الرِياسَةَ عُمِّموها
عَلى يُمنٍ أَشارَ بِهِ المُشيرُ
22. They obeyed Qarib while they have ancestors
And dreams of honor that come
٢٢. أَطاعوا قارِباً وَلَهُم جُدودٌ
وَأَحلامٌ إِلى عِزٍّ تَصيرُ
23. So if they are guided to Islam, they will be embraced
By people, for as long as embers sparked
٢٣. فَإِن يُهدَوا إِلى الإِسلامِ يُلفَوا
أُنوفَ الناسِ ما سَمَرَ السَميرُ
24. And if they do not become Muslim, they are but fodder
For God's war, for them there is no victor
٢٤. وَإِن لَم يُسلِموا فَهُمُ أَذانٌ
بِحَربِ اللَهِ لَيسَ لَهُم نَصيرُ
25. As you judged Bani Sa'd and dragged
The Bani Ghaziya tribe by the forelock
٢٥. كَما حَكَمَت بَني سَعدٍ وَجَرَّت
بِرَهطِ بَني غَزِيَّةَ عَنقَفيرُ
26. It is as if Bani Muawiyah bin Bakr
Were inclining to Islam and withering
٢٦. كَأَنَّ بَني مُعاوِيَةَ بنِ بَكرٍ
إِلى الإِسلامِ ضائِنَةٌ تَخورُ
27. So we said, become Muslim, we are your brothers
And the bosoms have been cleared of hatred
٢٧. فَقُلنا أَسلِموا إِنّا أَخوكُم
وَقَد بَرَأَت مِنَ الإِحَنِ الصُدورُ
28. It is as if the people when they came to us
After peace, were still harboring hatred
٢٨. كَأَنَّ القَومَ إِذ جاءوا إِلَينا
مِنَ البَغضاءِ بَعدَ السِلمِ عورُ