
Did you not see that I hated wars

ألم تر أني كرهت الحروب

1. Did you not see that I hated wars
And that I regretted what had passed

١. أَلَم تَرَ أَنّي كَرِهتُ الحُروبَ
وَأَنّي نَدِمتُ عَلى ما مَضى

2. The regret of one who is miserable over himself
For that whose disgrace is to be avoided

٢. نَدامَةَ زارٍ عَلى نَفسِهِ
لِتِلكَ الَّتي عارُها يُتَّقى

3. And I realized that when I came to it
Of the matter wearing two garments of shame

٣. وَأَيقَنتُ أَنّي لِما جِئتُهُ
مِنَ الأَمرِ لابِسُ ثَوبَي خَزى

4. Modesty, and one like me deserves it
And the people have not worn the like of modesty

٤. حَياءً وَمِثلي حَقيقٌ بِهِ
وَلَم يَلبَسِ القَومُ مِثلَ الحَيا

5. And Sulaim was whenever she brought forth
A young man for adversity, I was that young man

٥. وَكانَت سُلَيمٌ إِذا قَدَّمَت
فَتىً لِلحَوادِثِ كُنتُ الفَتى

6. And I would turn back her raids for her
And I would groan over her enemies and protect the sanctuary

٦. وَكُنتُ أُفيءُ عَلَيها النِهابَ
وَأَنكي عِداها وَأَحمي الحِمى

7. So I did not ignite war until
Khufaf shot his arrows at whoever shot

٧. فَلَم أوقِدِ الحَربَ حَتّى رَمى
خُفافٌ بِأَسهُمِهِ مَن رَمى

8. So he ignited a war with her patience
I was not in it weak in strength

٨. فَأَلهَبَ حَرباً بِأَصبارِها
فَلَم أَكُ فيها ضَعيفَ القُوى

9. So if their dreams turn the people gently
And what has become distant of their friendship returns

٩. فَإِن تَعطِفِ القَومَ أَحلامُهُم
وَيَرجِعَ مِن وُدِّهِم ما نَأى

10. Then I am not needy for their war
And I have no wealth without their peace

١٠. فَلَستُ فَقيراً إِلى حَربِهِم
وَما بِيَ عَن سَلمِهِم مِن غِنى