
The remainder of Umm Maml's affection was severed

تقطع باقي وصل أم مؤمل

1. The remainder of Umm Maml's affection was severed
By an outcome, and intention was substituted in exchange

١. تَقَطَّعَ باقي وَصلِ أُمِّ مُؤَمَّلٍ
بِعاقِبَةٍ وَاِستَبدَلَت نِيَّةً خُلفا

2. She swore by Allah she would not sever her strength
Yet she was not true to it, nor did she fulfill her oath

٢. وَقَد حَلَفَت بِاللَهِ لا تَقطَعُ القُوى
فَما صَدَقَت فيهِ وَلا بَرِّتِ الحَلفا

3. My she-camels have Bellies like carnelian agates is their summer pasture
And they wander about in the open country and climb up the hillsides

٣. خُفافِيَّةٌ بَطنُ العَقيقِ مَصيفُها
وَتَحتَلُّ في البادينَ وَجرَةَ فَالعُرفا

4. If Umm Maml pursues the infidels
She has endowed my heart with passion in her absence

٤. فَإِن تَتبَعِ الكُفّارَ أَمُّ مُؤَمَّلٍ
فَقَد زَوَّدَت قَلبي عَلى نَأيِها شَغفا

5. And the Expert will make her understand that we
Refused and sought only our Lord as an oath

٥. وَسَوفَ يُنَبّيها الخَبيرُ بِأَنَّنا
أَبَينا وَلَم نَطلُب سِوى رَبِّنا حِلفا

6. And that we are with the Guiding Prophet Muhammad
And we fulfilled while a thousand men did not fulfill

٦. وَأَنّا مَعَ الهادي النَبِيِّ مُحَمَّدٍ
وَفَينا وَلَم يَستَوفِها مَعشَرٌ أَلفا

7. With sincere youths from Sulaym, most honorable
They obeyed so they do not disobey any of His commands

٧. بِفِتيانِ صِدقٍ مِن سُلَيمٍ أَعِزَّةٍ
أَطاعوا فَما يَعصونَ مِن أَمرِهِ حَرفا

8. My she-camels Khufaf, Dhakwan, and Awaf whom
Difficulties missed in their sure-footedness out of weakness

٨. خُفافٌ وَذَكوانٌ وَعَوفٌ تَخالُهُم
مَصاعِبَ زافَت في طَروقَتِها كُلفا

9. As if the interwoven white and black garment is clothed
With pitch blackness converging in its hidden places out of darkness

٩. كَأَنَّ نَسيجَ الشُهبِ وَالبيضَ مُلبَسٌ
أُسوداً تَلاقَت في مَراصِدِها غُضفا

10. Through us the religion of Allah gained strength without decay
And we surpassed the living one who had weakness with him

١٠. بِنا عَزَّ دينُ اللَهِ غَيرَ تَنَحُّلٍ
وَزِدنا عَلى الحَيِّ الَّذي مَعَهُ ضِعفا

11. In Mecca when we came as if our banner
Were a hawk that wanted to snatch after its soaring

١١. بِمَكَّةَ إِذ جِئنا كَأَنَّ لِواءَنا
عُقابٌ أَرادَت بَعدَ تَحليقِها خَطفا

12. Dazzling the eyes that gaze at it, they would think between them
When it soared during its circling a musical mode

١٢. عَلى شُخَّصِ الأَبصارِ تَحسِبُ بَينَها
إِذا هِيَ جالَت في مَراوِدِها عَزفا

13. On the morning we trod the polytheists and did not find
For the matter of Allah’s Messenger justice or even change

١٣. غَداةَ وَطِئنا المُشرِكينَ وَلَم نَجِد
لِأَمرِ رَسولِ اللَهِ عَدلاً وَلا صَرفا

14. In a melee where the people in its midst do not hear
Except our battle cry and groaning

١٤. بِمُعتَرَكٍ لا يَسمَعُ القَومُ وَسطَهُ
لَنا زَجمَةٌ إِلّا التَذامُرَ وَالنَقفا

15. With white blades that make cares fly from their abode
And we pluck the necks of the violent attackers with them, plucking

١٥. بِبيضٍ تُطيرُ الهامَ عَن مُستَقَرِّها
وَنَقطِفُ أَعناقَ الكُماةِ بِها قَطفا

16. However many a blood-smeared corpse we left
And a widow calling down evil on her husband in anguish

١٦. فَكائِن تَرَكنا مِن قَتيلٍ مُلَحَّبٍ
وَأَرمَلَةٍ تَدعو عَلى بَعلِها لَهفا

17. We intend the pleasure of Allah, not the pleasure of people we seek
And to Allah appears all that is evident and all that is hidden

١٧. رِضا اللَهِ نَنوي لا رِضا الناسِ نَبتَغي
وَلِلَّهِ ما يَبدو جَميعاً وَما يَخفى