1. If the people of the house had not become divided
You would have seen through the house, amusement and playfulness
١. لَو أَنَّ أَهلَ الدّارِ لَم يَتَصَدَّعوا
رَأَيتَ خِلالَ الدّارِ مَلهىً وَمَلعَبا
2. For have you ever seen, my life, our mischiefs
That walked the path of wantonness, so they became disgusted
٢. فَإِنَّكَ عَمري هَل أُريكَ ظَعائِناً
سَلَكنَ عَلى رُكنِ الشَطاةِ فَتَيأَبا
3. With eyes of scheming hyenas observing
Friends who seduce the forbearing and tested man
٣. عَلَيهُنَّ عَينٌ مِن ظِباءِ تَبالَةٍ
أَوانِسُ يُصبينَ الحَليمَ المُجَرِّبا
4. When the seeker of good comes suddenly they say
With faces like gold coins, welcome
٤. إِذا جاءَ باغي الخَيرِ قُلنَ فُجاءَةً
لَهُ بِوُجوهٍ كَالدَنانيرِ مَرحَبا
5. Greetings, no good you sought is forbidden
You need not fear any reproach from us
٥. وَأَهلاً فَلا مَمنوعُ خَيرٍ طَلَبتَهُ
وَلا أَنتَ تَخشى عِندَنا أَن تُؤَنَّبا
6. Do not think I was a client of Ibn Mishkam
Or of Salam or a client of Huwayy son of Akhtab
٦. فَلا تَحسَبَنّي كُنتُ مَولى اِبنِ مِشكِمٍ
سَلامٍ وَلا مَولى حُيَيِّ بنِ أَخطَبا