
I saw you, O best of all creation

رأيتك يا خير البرية كلها

1. I saw you, O best of all creation
You spread a book which brought the truth as a teacher

١. رَأَيتُكَ يا خَيرَ البَرِيَّةِ كُلِّها
نَشَرتَ كِتاباً جاءَ بِالحَقِّ مُعلِما

2. And you illuminated with proof something once obscured
And with proof you extinguished a raging fire

٢. وَنَوَّرتَ بِالبُرهانِ أَمراً مُدَمَّساً
وَأَطفَأتَ بِالبُرهانِ ناراً مُضَرَّما

3. So who can convey from me to the Prophet Muhammad
And every person will be recompensed for what they have spoken

٣. فَمَن مُبلِغٌ عَنّي النَبيَّ مُحَمَّداً
وَكُلُّ اِمريءٍ يُجزى بِما قَد تَكَلَّما

4. Exalted on high, above the throne of our God
And God's place was higher and greater

٤. تَعالى عُلُوّاً فَوقَ عَرشِ إِلَهِنا
وَكانَ مَكانُ اللَهِ أَعلى وَأَعظَما