
What ails your eyes that wakefulness afflicts them

مابال عينك فيها عائر سهر

1. What ails your eyes that wakefulness afflicts them
Like kohl beneath the eyelids turned green

١. مابالُ عَينِكَ فيها عائِرٌ سَهِرُ
مِثلُ الحَماطَةِ أَغضى فَوقَها الشُفُرُ

2. Eyes worn out by their shedding tears through the night
So tears flood them for a time before they flow

٢. عَينٌ تَأَوَّبَها مِن شَجوِها أَرَقٌ
فَالماءُ يَغمُرها طَوراً وَيَنحَدِرُ

3. Like a string of pearls with its thread cut
Scattered when the necklace came undone

٣. كَأَنَّهُ نَظمُ دُرٍّ عِندَ ناظِمِهِ
تَقَطَّعَ السِلكُ مِنهُ فَهوَ مُنتَثِرُ

4. O distant home of one whose love you hope for
While he who comes before it meets only ravines

٤. يا بُعدَ مَنزِلِ مَن تَرجو مَوَدَّتَهُ
وَمَن أَتى دونَهُ الصَمّانُ فَالحَفَرُ

5. Leave what has passed of the days of youth behind
For youth has turned away, old age and senility have come

٥. دَع ما تَقَدَّمَ مِن عَهدِ الشَبابِ فَقَد
وَلّى الشَبابُ وَزارَ الشَيبُ وَالزَعَرُ

6. Recall the affliction of Sulaym in its dwelling places
And take pride in Sulaym, O people of pride

٦. وَاِذكُر بَلاءَ سُلَيمِ في مَواطِنِها
وَفي سُلَيمٍ لِأَهلِ الفَخرِ مُفتَخَرُ

7. They are the people of war and violent death, when
Their battalions meet leaders patience ensues

٧. هُمُ بَنو الحَربِ وَالمَوتِ الذُعافِ إِذا
لاقى الكَتائِبَ مِنهُمُ قادَةٌ صُبُرُ

8. A people who supported the Merciful and followed
The religion of the Messenger, though people dissent

٨. قَومٌ هُمُ نَصَروا الرَحمنَ وَاِتَّبَعوا
دينَ الرَسولِ وَأَمرُ الناسِ مُشتَجِرُ

9. Among them palms are not planted in rows
Nor do cattle wander grazing in their dwellings

٩. لا يَغرِسونَ فَسيلَ النَخلِ وَسطَهُمُ
وَلا تَخاوَرُ في مَشتاهُمُ البَقَرُ

10. Only horses like eagles kept close for battle
In an enclosure, while dangers and hosts lie in wait

١٠. إِلّا سَوابِحَ كَالعِقبانِ مُقرَبَةً
في دارَةٍ حَولَها الأَخطارُ وَالعَكَرُ

11. Called Khufaf, ‘Awf at its flanks
And the tribe of Dhakwan, no wavering or boredom

١١. تُدعى خُفافٌ وَعَوفٌ في جَوانِبها
وَحَيُّ ذَكوانَ لا ميلٌ وَلا ضُجُرُ

12. Striking the armies of polytheism at daybreak
At the valley of Mecca, while souls rush forth

١٢. الضارِبونَ جُنودَ الشِركِ ضاحِيَةً
بِبَطنِ مَكَّةَ وَالأَرواحُ تَبتَدِرُ

13. Until they retreated, and killed them as though they were
Palm trees uprooted in the plain laid open

١٣. حَتّى تَوَلَّوا وَقَتلاهُم كَأَنَّهُمُ
نَخلٌ بِظاهِرَةِ البَطحاءِ مُنقَعِرُ

14. While we at the battle of Hunayn, our stance
Brought glory to the faith, and safety with God

١٤. وَنَحنُ يَومَ حُنَينٍ كانَ مَشهَدُنا
لِلدينِ عِزّاً وَعِندَ اللَهِ مُدَّخَرُ

15. As we rode into certain death, the horses
Shying from it, gleaming armor displaced

١٥. إِذ نَركَبُ المَوتَ مُحضَرّاً بَطائِنُهُ
وَالخَيلُ يَنجابُ عَنها ساطِعٌ كَدِرُ

16. Beneath the banner with Dhahhak leading us on
As the lion walks through the dense woods

١٦. تَحتَ اللِواءِ مَعَ الضَحاكِ يَقدُمُنا
كَما مَشى اللَيثُ في غاباتِهِ الخَدِرُ

17. In a straitened place within the raging battle, its flash
Nearly darkening the sun and the moon

١٧. في مَأزِقٍ مِن مَجَرِّ الحَربِ كَلكَلُها
تَكادُ تَأفِلُ مِنهُ الشَمسُ وَالقَمَرُ

18. And we endured with the patience of lions, our tongues
For God's sake we support whom we wish, and prevail

١٨. وَقَد صَبرنا بِأَوطاسٍ أَسِنَّتَنا
لِلَّهِ نَنصُرُ مَن شِئنا وَنَنتَصِرُ

19. Until some peoples' dwellings were rendered desolate
Had it not been for the Protector and had it not been for us, they would not have left

١٩. حَتّى تَأَوَّبَ أَقوامٌ مَنازِلَهُم
لَولا المَليكُ وَلَولا نَحنُ ما صَدَروا

20. So you see no group, few or many
But by morning among them are our traces

٢٠. فَما تَرى مَعشَراً قَلّوا وَلا كَثُروا
إِلّا قَد أَصبَحَ مِنّا فيهِمُ أَثَرُ