
Whenever I approach my people,

أراني كلما قاربت قومي

1. Whenever I approach my people,
They keep away from me, and their estrangement is hard.

١. أَراني كُلَّما قارَبتُ قَومي
نَأَوا عَنّي وَقَطعُهُمُ شَديدُ

2. I grew weary of their reproaches so I forgave them,
And said perhaps their forbearance will return.

٢. سَئِمتُ عِتابَهُم فَصَفَحتُ عَنهُم
وَقُلتُ لَعَلَّ حِلمَهُمُ يَعودُ

3. And perhaps God will enable me to give generously
To those from whom he turns away.

٣. وَعَلَّ اللَهَ يُمكِنُ مِن خُفافٍ
فَأَسقيهِ الَّتي عَنها يَحيدُ

4. By what his hands have earned and what he has drawn upon us
Of rancor that does not fade away.

٤. بِما اِكتَسَبَت يَداهُ وَجرَّ فينا
مِنَ الشَحنا الَّتي لَيسَت تَبيدُ

5. For if the docile censured me,
As well as Awf and hearts that have their fuel,

٥. فَإِنّي لَو يُؤَدِّبُني خُفافٌ
وَعَوفٌ وَالقُلوبُ لَها وَقودُ

6. I always intend good,
And with God there is increase of bounty.

٦. وَإِنّي لا أَزالُ أُريدُ خَيراً
وَعِندَ اللَهِ مِن نَعَمٍ مَزيدُ

7. So their hearts have narrowed around me and constricted
Are throats that no vein feeds.

٧. فَضاقَت بي صُدورُهُمُ وَغَصَّت
حُلوقٌ ما يَبِضُّ لَها وَريدُ

8. Whenever I keep away, their evil is near,
And whenever I draw near, their love is far.

٨. مَتى أَبعُد فَشَرُّهُمُ قَريبٌ
وَإِن أَقرُب فَوُدُّهُمُ بَعيدُ

9. I say to them, though they have become abusive of me,
Be refined, O Banu Awf, and augment good!

٩. أَقولُ لَهُم وَقَد لَهِجوا بِشَتمي
تَرَقَّوا يا بَني عَوفٍ وَزيدوا

10. Censuring me profits not the living of Banu Awf,
Nor the like of me with his threats.

١٠. فَما شَتمي بِنافِعِ حَيِّ عَوفٍ
وَلا مِثلي بِضائِرِهِ الوَعيدُ

11. So neither I nor Awf knows,
Whether my rising or descending will benefit me.

١١. فَما أَدري وَما يُدريهِ عَوفٌ
أَيَنفَعُني الهُبوطُ أَمِ الصُعودُ

12. Does the nobility of Banu Sulaim make me
Like a dog that neither barks nor hunts?

١٢. أَتَجعَلُني سَراةُ بَني سُلَيمٍ
كَكَلبٍ لا يَهِرُّ وَلا يَصيدُ

13. As though I never led noble stallions,
The like of which on earth are rare.

١٣. كَأَنّي لَم أَقُد خَيلاً عِتاقاً
شَوازِبَ مِثلُها في الأَرضِ عودُ

14. I spur them into the fray, plunging chargers,
As though the sands of their threshing are sedentary.

١٤. أُجَشِّمُها مَهامِهَ طامِساتٍ
كَأَنَّ رِمالَ صَحصَحِها قُعودُ

15. Upon them are the horsemen of Banu Sulaim
Heroes of help in battle and prey.

١٥. عَلَيها مِن سَراةِ بَني سُلَيمٍ
فَوارِسُ نَجدَةٍ في الحَربِ صيدُ

16. So I trample with their hooves those of Banu Sulaim whom you wish,
And those you do not wish.

١٦. فَأوطِىءُ مَن تُريدُ بَني سُلَيمٍ
بِكَلكَلِها وَمَن لَيسَت تُريدُ